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Cant Find the Meshes Folder


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Im currently trying to put in some mods, but i cant find a mesh folder anywhere in the oblivion file. Im currently running on windows 7 with Oblivion GOTY (im around patch 2.something...) Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: I also cant.'t find the sound folder.


Im installing the Eleswyr Mod


Sorry, im kinda a newbie with this :/

There is a meshes .bsa file, but i cant put anything into it.


Nevermind, I found help from google after searching a while :)

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Just to give an answer to the posted question (if not for you then others that may be wondering), in order to see any files that come installed with oblivion, they are packaged in the .bsa files and must be extracted to view with any program including the Construction Set.



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The meshes folder and several others are not included in the game files that come on the disk.


You DO NOT need to unpack any of the bsa files UNLESS you are creating your own mods. And just using already made mods that you download from here I do not recommend that you do this. It can cause problems and will cause confusion when you try to separate original game files from mod files.


If you unzip a mod that needs the meshes folder (or any other folder) directly into the data folder using a unzipping program such as Winzip, Winrar or 7-zip, it will automatically create the meshes folder, and any other needed folders at that time. Or if you prefer, you can create it your self and the unzipping program will use the one you created.


Note: 7-zip is free, the other 2 are not: (For all you Winrar & Winzip fanboys, read their terms and conditions Both are free to TRY then you are supposed to pay US$29 if you keep it)


7-zip is available here on TesNexus: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15579

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