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opinions please.. oblivion for 360?


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hey everyone! ive recently moved into my college dorm and yes after just 2 weeks im already missing oblivion... now before you attack me i left my cd at home on PURPOSE so id focus on getting a good start at school, but my classes arent going to be as difficult as i planned.. anyway i usually play on my dell xps studio which is pimped out, with a nice videocard and all, but still, its only 17 inches and not a powerhouse that can fully appreciate everything oblivion offers graphically, and on the other hand i have the new xbox slim with the HDMI hooked up in my room.. basically im asking if there are any giant flaws or things missing from the 360 version (id be buying GOTY edition obviously!) and since im not really a mod-angel at all, i use maybe 4 or 5 just to improve the quality and appearance i would not be too heartbroken over that. however im not really familiar if they do DLC for mods for it or anything..


oh and is there ANY way to do screenshots with the 360 version? thanks for anyone who can help me out here :thumbsup:

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oh and is there ANY way to do screenshots with the 360 version? thanks for anyone who can help me out here :thumbsup:

option 1 - get a digital camera and photo the screen


option 2 - feed your video out from the box into a video capture device - and capture it.

(some PC video cards have this option)

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With the Xbox you get NO mods so as long as you are happy with the vanilla game you will be OK.


On the other hand, an adapter for DVI (out of a computer) to HDMI input to your TV costs about US $3 at Monoprice. or a 15 foot HDMI/DVI cable US $6 - the shipping will cost more than the adapter or cable so check out the site for enough more stuff to make it reasonable.


So if your computer can play the game - you can put it on the bigger TV screen. ( I have hooked mine up to a 52 inch widescreen TV before)

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I've ordered a new gaming pc tower - which i'll be playing through my living room tv too!


As i said in another thread i'm an ex-xbox 360 player of Oblivion and i always loved it - good graphics for when it came out and with GOTY you also get knights of the nine - plus on xbox marketplace theres about 5 (small) expansions for the game so you should be good! :thumbsup:

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Yeah, don't get the XBOX version. Even if you want to play pure vanilla, that's a bad idea, opinion or no.




Because you'll be missing out on the unofficial patch, which corrects multitudes of problems, from floating rocks to bugged and broken quests that were never fixed and did indeed ship that way. I lost a lot of respect for Bethesda as a developing house when I found out they rushed Oblivion for the XBOX 360 release date. :rolleyes: For that reason alone, I urge you to spend less money on a converter cable to make your giant TV into a monitor.



Is this your freshman year? I'm tempted to say, get the bugged XBOX version after all, so when the quests bug out on you, you'll be tempted to go out and socialize. I don't mean this in a snide way. I drastically miss college, and I spent a lot of that time cooped up in my room hiding from the world. I don't regret that I wasn't more social (I'm an introvert and proud of it), but I also am happy for the times I did go out and challenge my morals and sensibilities and learn a few things about people. College, if you're a really sheltered person like I am, and was, can be a shocking and even angering time, but I grew as a person during those times and realized a lot of what I thought was wrong, wasn't really. I only regret a few things, and you should be getting out there and experiencing a really awesome part of your life that in many ways will never be matched again.

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Xbox is good bcuz the saves dont corrupt as easy and the refference bug starts later (that is if yu dont update it which i assume u will so it doesnt matter) its more reliable bcuz u know the 360 can handle it for sure, so i say go with it
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Yeah, don't get the XBOX version. Even if you want to play pure vanilla, that's a bad idea, opinion or no.




Because you'll be missing out on the unofficial patch, which corrects multitudes of problems, from floating rocks to bugged and broken quests that were never fixed and did indeed ship that way. I lost a lot of respect for Bethesda as a developing house when I found out they rushed Oblivion for the XBOX 360 release date. :rolleyes: For that reason alone, I urge you to spend less money on a converter cable to make your giant TV into a monitor.



Is this your freshman year? I'm tempted to say, get the bugged XBOX version after all, so when the quests bug out on you, you'll be tempted to go out and socialize. I don't mean this in a snide way. I drastically miss college, and I spent a lot of that time cooped up in my room hiding from the world. I don't regret that I wasn't more social (I'm an introvert and proud of it), but I also am happy for the times I did go out and challenge my morals and sensibilities and learn a few things about people. College, if you're a really sheltered person like I am, and was, can be a shocking and even angering time, but I grew as a person during those times and realized a lot of what I thought was wrong, wasn't really. I only regret a few things, and you should be getting out there and experiencing a really awesome part of your life that in many ways will never be matched again.



Now that I didnt know - I remmeber a few side quests that I just could NOT complete and I never knew why!


I can't remember exactly which they were but there was 1 or 2 that couldnt be done.


At least I'm on PC now :tongue:

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If you have a big TV, why not hook your computer up to it? If your TV doesn't have DVI-in you can get a DVI to HDMI cable for around $10-$15. If you have a newer GPU then it should have HDMI-out.


The Xbox 360 is just as good as the PC version, just not as sharp graphically. You just have to be aware of all the bugs still present that the unofficial patches have fixed on PC.

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