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A hopefully quick one - disenchant Windshear


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I hope this request is as easy and quick as it sounds. I want to disenchant the Windshear, and put it's enchantment on another weapon. I've tried a few methods, including using the console to enchant it, and using EzEs Artifact Disenchanting. And while the description says it's been enchanted, having block bashed lots of times without ragdolling the targets would imply otherwise.


One thing to keep in mind is I'm using Perkus Maximus right now, but that shouldn't matter much. Though I suppose it's because of PerMa that I want to do this, because there is some incompatibility between PerMa and a mod that replaces the mesh for Windshear (Jaysus swords, I think?).


In any case, I want to functionally add the Windshear enchantment to another weapon, doesn't matter what method I'm using. If it's something simple a noob can do in the CK, I'd appreciate some pointers in that as well.

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Without looking into it, I would guess the perk that makes Windshear work requires that you have that specific weapon equipped. Either that or PerMa added another bashing perk that is firing with a higher priority than Windshear.


Whether or not I can talk you through it in the CK depends on just how much of a noob you actually are. The fix may require scripting.

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My level of CK skill is not high to be sure, but I've done some minor changes in it. I know how to alter damage/armor and weight values, how to make duplicate files and renaming objects, how to edit enchantments on artifacts, simple things like that. Think I can tackle this?

Edited by faffman
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It appears that I spoke too soon. A quick test found that making the perk work with any weapon with the Windshear enchantment would be more complicated than I thought, and not something I am really able to do for you right now.


So if you want to do it yourself, difficulty depends on how deep down this rabbit hole you want to go.


Making Windshear enchantment work with a specific additional weapon: very easy.


Making Windshear enchantment work with a specific class of weapons (e.g. steel longswords): slightly more difficult


Making Windshear enchantment work with any weapon: probably requires scripting, at least one quest, maybe even use of the story manager, definitely formlists.


If you are willing to wait for it I would be willing to do more investigation next weekend but that is about all I can do now.


If you decide to attempt something yourself, be aware that there are about four aborted attempts by the developers to get the Windshear effect to work. The one that is actually functional is dunKatariahScimitarPerk. If you open up the perk and double click the only entry point, it will show you the conditions under which the effect is to occur. In vanilla it requires:


Subject (that's the perk owner) has equipped in right hand (GetEquipped) Windshear (dunKatariahScimitar == 1.0)

Subject has no shield (isShieldOut == 0)


You can adjust these to whatever requirements you would prefer.


I think my approach would be to remove the geteqipped requirement and change the Katariah enchantment to a custom enchantment, then use isSpellTarget on the TARGET tab in the perk to make it so that the bash effect will apply to anybody who is under the effect. This would mean that the enchantment would work with any weapon, but also that you couldn't use the bash effect until after you had landed a blow with the weapon effect.

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To be honest, I really only wanted to put the enchantment on a specific weapon, more specifically a Reforged Ebony Scimitar which is added by PerMa. Did a few attempts yesterday, but CK kept crashing on me, so I gave up.


Thanks for the pointers, I'll probably give it a few more tries. Though, about that last thing, do you mean I will have to use a regular attack on a target with the weapon before I can use the bash effect?

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If you do it the way that I suggested, yes, you would have to prime the target by hitting them once with a regular attack. If you just want to make it work with a different weapn, the easiest thing to do is double click the GetEquipped function and change the required weapon to the one of your choosing.
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