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True Norse berserker armor !


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I'm a big fan of Norse mythology and I think it would be great to have the opportunity to get clad in a bear or a wolf pelt as the berserkers ( those clad in a bear pelt) and the Ulfhednar ( those clad in wolf pelts ). I know there is the stormcloak officer armor but It does not reproduce it completely. A true berserker is less protected than that. So I give you a picture to show you what I mean.http://i-am-modelist.com/?s=ulfhednar. This image is the perfect representation of an Ulfhednar and i really would like to play as one of this guy. I think this warrior looks more badass than a stormcloak officer who has piked-pauldrons and gauntlets. So fur and nothing else. Cause otherwise we can't speak about berserkers. According to me, a true berserker is a crazed Norse warrior who charges into battle without any steel or iron armor. The stormcloak officer armor is composed of a chest-piece. Berserkers were bare-chested. They just had the pelt of a wolf or a bear as a means of protection. This would suit an orc as well.

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one of the armors present met your second picture


will add several wolf and bear helmets to the forge and levelled lists


or if you don't fancy mods,you can get the fur armor (the one composed of only the kilt and the fur mantle, without chest piece)

the stormcloak officer helmet, and some booze/mushrooms before going around slaughtering people

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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks a lot guys ! It really helped me. I found the mantle of the Silverhand which is really what i was looking for ! I will also download the Aesir armor and the immersive armors mods. I will also download a mod that enhances character creation to increase the height of my character because berserkers are most of the time described as giants as strong as bears or bulls ! But the call of the North mod is really cool too !

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