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First hacking now viruses? That's just a step too far.


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Giggles wickedly* I spoke a while back with someone. a friend..about hacking... so we devised a horrid revenge for hackers... what we did was this... he set up a known trojan on his pc and set a false drive letter to a dead end location on his pc... opening the drive letter caused a file to be sent to the hackers pc automatically... it was a self extracting zip.exe file inside was an altered Fdisc command set to autorun.the hacker got a simple DOS window with a statement to the effect of Hello hacker goodbye hacker then Fdisc..... maybe that file needs to be updated to run on online games.. LOL... if your firewall detects and intrusion attempt... BAM>> some jerk gets his/her pc formatted for being a jerk......would serve them right.....
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Your example is the reason why I play single player and have ditched multiplayer. Everyone there is either a hacker or 13 year old. I'm surprised that you still play multiplayer after all this time. My advice, ditch multiplayer and head for single as Activision only care for your $$$ not your support.


That's taking it to the extreme. Also saying that makes you look like a pirate. Not all games are like this. I play Starcraft 2 (Activision-Blizzard)) multiplayer all the time (among other great games), and everything's been fine for me so far. I do encounter the occasional jackass but that doesn't want to make me ditch multiplayer altogether. Sometimes ignoring them is the best counter.


On a side note, I wrote a post here about how you can optimally protect and keep your PC squeaky clean.

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I'm no pirate, I just hate the on-line multiplayer community. Single player allows you the freedom to do whatever you want without hacking or some little kid say "you suck". Please do research before trying to counter your argument against me
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I'm 18 and go to Uni. How's that immature? You accused me of being a pirate, which is something I will never do in a lifetime. I have a right to defend myself beside I pay for the content I want. I don't need to spend hours trying hack and pirate games to prove a point to the devs. Multiplayer's useless to me.
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I'm 18 and go to Uni. How's that immature? You accused me of being a pirate, which is something I will never do in a lifetime. I have a right to defend myself beside I pay for the content I want. I don't need to spend hours trying hack and pirate games to prove a point to the devs. Multiplayer's useless to me.


Perhaps you should re-read my post. I never accused you of being a pirate, I simply said that only playing singleplayer just because you get offended by a bunch of kids online makes you look like one. It's a common excuse (among others) on forums such as these where piracy is frowned upon. I also said that doing that is silly, since multiplayer often represents 50% of a game. But that's ok as it is your choice and I am by no means judging you. But now I can see why you get offended so easily.


Being 18 does not mean that you cannot be 'immature'. It means that you can sometimes act foolishly like you did when you read like a quarter of my post and told me to 'do some research'. I'm an avid gamer, a blogger, and an informed person, and I don't need anyone to tell me to 'do my research'.


You can drop it now as we are deviating from subject and you are further embarrassing yourself.


More on-topic, we now know how insecure peer-to-peer connection systems are, and I thank you for sharing your experience with us. I haven't played MW2 for months, am uninstalling it right now, and have no intention to play it ever again, nor buy any other game that uses such means for online play.


Also, I have no intention of arguing anymore as the points I make are apparently getting ignored.

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And here I though the little kids were the immature ones.


Leetgamer, lay off.


You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. If you had any idea, you would not have insulted this honoured poster.


Firstly, I've played Star Craft II a lot recently, online especialy, it's got a great community, I didnt bother with the tutorials because I didnt have to, a few hardcores took the time off between games to post a few really good lessons on the forums, their advice has never let me down.


Secondly, you are obviously someone who has never played MW 2 in it's current form. It's aweful. Maybe one in twenty game's you'll get a jerk in SC 2. It's just that good. In MW 2, maybe one in twenty games you'll not get any jerks at all.


Brokenergy is making a very all encompasing point, but a fair and true one. She is not being immatue in pointing out just how aweful the community is. In SC II you CAN ignore people. COD MW2 has NO FUNCTIONING IGNORE SYSTEM WHAT SO EVER It also has NO MODERATORS AT ALL But worst of all, about 40% of it's massive playerbase use hacks. ANd they get away with it.


But the other major problem is that while in utopian SC II, players can get in serious trouble for flaming, trolling and hacking, here, no laws exist, and i've only made two friends in my entire time playing it. Here is an exerpt from the end of my last MW II games:




MYSELF, net handle Vindekarr: GG


RDACTED1: fags


RDACTED2: It would have been GG if you motherf***ers hadnt been cheating all the f***ing time!.


RDACTED3: hey Vin you camping b****, how about you f***ing come out and die next time?!>


RDACTED2: yeah, how long you in there anyway? scared just like the little b**** you are.


*game closes, I had used ambush tactics and stealth/supressed weapons to reap a bloody toll, vaulting me into the lead with 27 kills 2 deaths 11 assists, the final score was 7500-2100*


I'm really not impressed. Brokenergy's point was valid, fair, and stated an indesputably true fact. You are just being a bully. I'm with her on this, she's on of the more mature people on this forum, and certainly deserves some credit for despite your actions, staying true to her opinions.


By being such a jerk about this, you embarrissed yourself in my point of view.

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What I love about your reply, Vin, is that you're trying to start a flame war.


Needn't I remind you of this:


CHAPTER IV - Trolling

Trolling is...


Deliberately attempting to goad people into a "flame war" (or, simply put, a "female dog fest") by posting disparaging remarks or comments that you know will incite a negative or nasty response.


In any case, either both of you are very, very, tired or don't give a flying damn about what I wrote.


This is a forum, correct? Where people get to share their opinions on various matters, yes? Well, my opinion regarding brokenergy's statement was that it is silly to ignore half of the game merely because she gets offended easily. I was also pointing the fact that pirates tend to use that excuse in communities such as this to not play multiplayer. Notice that I didn't say she was a pirate, I said she merely looked like one. I had no intention whatsoever of insulting her, I just stated my opinion.


Which brings us to her reply, where she misread and told me to 'do some more research before counter her argument'. While I did not deny that such immature people exist on the internet, which can lead to frustrations, she implied that entire online communities consists of such 'little kids' (at least from what I understood), which is definitely wrong. But the point here is that she though I accused her of being a pirate, which I certainly did not.


Now such a rash reply led me to do the same merely because she did not read my entire post carefully, and moreover she insulted me. As a blog owner it is my duty to provide quality information, and which therefore requires research. Telling me what to do (in that tone), is regarded as an insult in my book.


Which leads to the third reply where she still states that I accused her of being a pirate (sigh), along with the fact that she's 18 and she goes to university, information that was irrelevant to the current matter (and that of immaturity), which leads me to remind her to read my original post as this matter with piracy was getting out of hand. I also explained that immaturity has nothing to do with being 18.


And then you butt in with your rather unnecessary comments. Like I've said before I had no intention of being rude in the first place, however, likewise, I have the right to defend myself and you are in no position to judge me for that.


Leetgamer, lay off.


How very rude of you. And here I thought you were a decent person.


You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.


Hypocrisy at its best.


If you had any idea, you would not have insulted this honoured poster.


Forgive me but I have registered here back in '07, and I had these sort of lull periods where I was inactive and couldn't meet new members. Judging by how brokenergy reacted to my original post leads me to believe that she's not so 'honoured' as you say.


Firstly, I've played Star Craft II a lot recently, online especialy, it's got a great community, I didnt bother with the tutorials because I didnt have to, a few hardcores took the time off between games to post a few really good lessons on the forums, their advice has never let me down.


Indeed, the community there is great, and the game itself is very newbie-friendly.

Secondly, you are obviously someone who has never played MW 2 in it's current form.


Indeed, it seems you haven't read my second post where I have mentioned this.


It's aweful. Maybe one in twenty game's you'll get a jerk in SC 2. It's just that good. In MW 2, maybe one in twenty games you'll not get any jerks at all.


Right, like I said, I've never encountered any serious troublemakers. Sure the occasional ragequitter, douche etc., but it's no biggie. I'm still in the practice league and I can leave a match if I want to without hampering my score too much.

Brokenergy is making a very all encompasing point, but a fair and true one


Which ones? If you're referring to the fact that the online community has a few douches here and there? Yes. That there are a lot of them? Sometimes, yes. That it's full of them? No. That I called her a pirate? No. That I should do my research? No. That she didn't react immaturely? No. That she can ignore multiplayer altogether if she wanted to? Of course, it's her choice and I stress that I never said that what she was doing was wrong, I just thought it silly.


She is not being immatue in pointing out just how aweful the community is.


The MW2 one? Sure! Good riddance! But I was referring to the fact that she's immature for insulting me without properly reading my post. See what you did there? You didn't read it carefully.


In SC II you CAN ignore people. COD MW2 has NO FUNCTIONING IGNORE SYSTEM WHAT SO EVER It also has NO MODERATORS AT ALL But worst of all, about 40% of it's massive playerbase use hacks. ANd they get away with it.


Yes that's very nice and dandy but it is irrelevant to what I'm trying to say.

But the other major problem is that while in utopian SC II, players can get in serious trouble for flaming, trolling and hacking, here, no laws exist, and i've only made two friends in my entire time playing it. Here is an exerpt from the end of my last MW II games:




Once again the matter was about the argument between me and her, not the MW2 online community. You seem to be referring to it too much, I was referring to the online community in general. Yes MW2's one is bad and SC2's one is great that's all fair and stated.


I'm really not impressed.


Likewise, neither am I by your irrational and trolly post. While I always like a friend stepping up for another this really wasn't the case here. You were using the wrong reference and you were completely ignoring the entirety of my posts.


Brokenergy's point was valid, fair, and stated an indesputably true fact.


Yes and no. See a bit above why. She also had multiple points, not just one.

You are just being a bully.


This is just silly. What is this? Kindergarten? Come on. Re-read everything carefully. And don't be biased.


[...]she's on of the more mature people on this forum


I've yet to see it.


...and certainly deserves some credit for despite your actions, staying true to her opinions.


Forgive me but I didn't understand this.


By being such a jerk about this, you embarrissed yourself in my point of view.


And for being so biased and posting without thinking, you've embarrassed yourself too. I had no intention of starting this argument, I was simply expressing my opinion. Asking for an apology for something I didn't do wrong is..., well, wrong and I do not owe neither you one. Dare I say that it should be the opposite?


I'd rather drop it here as I wouldn't want to give the moderators more work to do.


And to be on-topic again, here's from my previous post:

More on-topic, we now know how insecure peer-to-peer connection systems are, and I thank you for sharing your experience with us. I haven't played MW2 for months, am uninstalling it right now, and have no intention to play it ever again, nor buy any other game that uses such means for online play.

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