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Anybody here turn the difficulty up?


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Just a quick question - anyone here play Oblivion with the difficulty turned up?


I turned it up very slightly when playing on the xbox (i litterally mean a tiny tiny bit) and now i'm about to start a new game on my new pc with loads of mods on - i'm thinking i'd like the game to be quite abit harder so i'm going to whack the difficulty up to 3/4's of the way :teehee:

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On X360 I played at around 70%. With FCOM, though, I am playing at around 35% because of the fixed spawn rates. I just started out, though, only at level 3 right now. Probably going to go back to 50% soon.
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I always move the difficulty up 1 notch every time I level up. It works out pretty well because when I hit the maximum level of 51 (without using jail time or other such tricks), I also hit the maximum difficulty.


It can be quite a challenge. I have a full set of Perfect Madness Armor enchanted to 100% Resist Magic, the best version of the Escutcheon of Chorrol, a Ring of Vitality, a Necklace of Swords, and a custome enchanted longsword that doubles the damage it does with each hit...and I STILL find some battles to be tough.

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I always move the difficulty up 1 notch every time I level up. It works out pretty well because when I hit the maximum level of 51 (without using jail time or other such tricks), I also hit the maximum difficulty.


It can be quite a challenge. I have a full set of Perfect Madness Armor enchanted to 100% Resist Magic, the best version of the Escutcheon of Chorrol, a Ring of Vitality, a Necklace of Swords, and a custome enchanted longsword that doubles the damage it does with each hit...and I STILL find some battles to be tough.



thats actually a great idea - i might do that! :thumbsup:

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I play the game at default difficulty and even then it's sometimes too difficult because my computer really wasn't designed to handle the load that Oblivion puts on it. Try fighting a enemy of roughly equal capability as your character when your fps is around 5 and you'll see what I mean, and there are places in the game where it turns into a slideshow for me. Maybe when I get a better computer I'll nudge the slider up every time I level up and see how that works. That's a great idea, BFG99.


What I won't do, though, is cheat (with Godmode or weapons/armor that are essentially cheat items) or turn the difficulty down from default, even if this means having to wade through some scenarios several times before I get it right.

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I turned it up the other day to see how hard it can get with a extended FCOM setup. It wasn't that it was harder, it just took forever to kill things... so yeah I think 50% is a good balance, at least for me.
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