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Anybody here turn the difficulty up?


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At Vanilla under 25 is nearly cheating. But 50 is okay. If its to easy you should go to 60 or even 70, but not more. The problem is that later you dont have these with leveling weapons to beat the stronger getting monster, so you must lower the difficulty after every 2 level ups. Also sometimes I thing the game doesnt shows the situation: for example: Im a super ultra mega overlord lv40 with a legendary weapon with 30 damage + 90 magical damage. But I need hundred attacks to kill a goblin!!!

Thats kind of unfair, so I lower the difficulty from 55 to 35, so its more realistic.When I have a epic battle, i get back to 55, or 65. BUT this was long time ago.Now I use ROO4.Many Overhauls like ROO makes the game more difficult, so its a real gaming experience. Especially the beginning is impossible at ROO4. For example: I'm level 1 and I go to a Ruin,but in front of it are 2 Bandits. The Bandits dont pass with my level (ROO4 includes Named,huge Bandits which are way stronger than normal bandits, to make some differences between the enemy's strength, so you can meet strong and easy bandits, good ideas,but not balanced enough)but instead of a good and fair fight with a bad ending for me (what would be balanced) I'm already death when I try to kill the first one(and I'm a very experienced player)!So sometimes, ROO4 is extremly unfair.I still play ROO4 with difficulty 45-55, thats so: When you see one miniboss on the street, you're death at low level. At mid level you have a good chance, when you use many health potions.I dont know how it is on high level cause I have ROO4 not for a long time and I have a strong level break (means you need the 3x of time to rise one level!),but there often new minibosses so I think it would be like on middle level(well,you can still meet easier and harder boss enemys,thats the challenge in ROO!).Real Bossenemys are UNBEATABLE,for example: With level 5 i came to a cave with vampires.In the end came a vampire boss, and he killed me with 2 Spells! And he had sooooo many health potions...ah forget it.well, you only have a chance with difficulty <25 . But the normal Enemys are kind of good: When theres only one, you can even beat some harder normal enemys (like the bandits with names), and its still a fair and awesome fight. But when youre at the beginning and you see many enemies at once, you often have no chance.At mid level, its better but still hard. But sometimes Roo explodes: I mean, there always moments where you dont fight 1 or 2 enemies.Sometimes you fight 3,4 or even 5! And theres often a miniboss or even an real boss. Then youre to hundred procent death. Or you change the difficulty to under 20. So, it isnt real balanced, But better to heavy than to easy....or not?! At least its challenging! We'll see how it will be with high level (and sorry about my english)

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I NEVER thought I'd be one to turn up the difficulty, but it got to the point that I could kill anything in one or two swipes. So I did turn it up over 50% for a Level 38 Redguard with magical abilities. That works. I kind of forgot I did it and was surprised the first time after, when I had to actually fight, lol


I should probably turn it up even more. I can get pummeled and still have 100% life due to the enchantments on my clothing. They're not God items at all, I guess I'm just one bad assed chick , lol :thumbsup:

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I must be a glutton for punishment, I've been playing on 100% difficulty for quite a while.

But my character has a full set of Perfect Madness Armor, the best Escutcheon of Chorrol, a Necklace of Swords, a Ring of Vitality, and over 700 HP so she can take it. And I have an enchanted weapon that can kill even 100% difficulty enemies in 15 hits or less. Good times :)

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I would never turn my armor to superarmor (like resistence 100%). Thats nearly the same as cheating. Its like a hole in the Oblivion Security


Yeah, I agree with you. My armor is enchanted with 100% Resist Magic, but I built a mod that causes enchantments to weaken as the armor or weapon takes damage. So, after sufficient damage, it drops below 100% and magic starts hurting. That way it's more fun and doesn't feel so much like cheating.

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In modded Oblivion (which I highly prefer) in 23th lvl my difficulty is on 65, but I always start with 45, and as I get more and more experienced, I rise it up. In vanilla, max difficulty is 55% because (as someone said here) there is no weapon to match e.g. Goblin Warlord or Ogre....enchantments neither!
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I've very recently just started using companions (if you couldn't tell by the topic that I just posted a minute or two ago...) and since they're both pretty powerful (I have Ramy Enfant as a sorcerer and Red Sonia as...well, a tank, since that's the only thing she can be...) and all I really have to do is sit back and watch them destroy everything.


Obviously, sitting back and just watching gets entirely too old and wicked boring after so long.


So...I cranked up the difficulty from 50% to about 85% and things are now fun again!

I also use Adrenaline Oblivion and OOO....


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