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I played through Dead Space somewhat recently, and I found it hilarious. People said it was scary. The only thing I saw were cheap 'Boo!' scares as monsters jumped on screen suddenly, and constant use of incredibly cheesy 'This is a scary moment!' horror string music. :down:


Screw that. THIS is what a horror game should be like. :thumbsup:

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Bought this yesterday... totally worth the 20 bucks. This game scares the pants off of you all the time. You don't even encounter an enemy for the first hour, and you're still ready to jump out of your skin at any moment. Two, three hours into it... unrelenting horror. Cruel, unrelenting, horror that forces you to take breaks quite often.


It's really, really good. Like, too good to be allowed to exist. XD


Get the demo.


If you like it, buy the game. This company's future depends on the success of this game.


Enjoy, and make sure to bring a couple changes of underwear. You will need it.

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I just dot the demo. How do I get past the heavy gate, at the water demon guy?



There's a lever on the wall in one of the rooms which opens it, but it's on a timer so if you're very slow it'll close again.



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I just finished it late last night. I only want to play it at night when it's pitch black in the computer room so my play time was limited even though my mind was screaming to play it more often but I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, so played the heck out of it every evening till I finally finished it. A great game overall with only a couple of spots that were straight up annoying (example: I had a puzzle solved except that one lever was not fully engaged and it took me some time to figure out what I did 'wrong'). The atmosphere is excellent and I'm glad my normal 'ammunition preservation' instincts served me well with the lantern oil and tinder-boxes as they varied between feast and famine.


It was fully worth the price of admission and one of only a select few of horror games that is actually scary.

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I played the demo, but I must admit, I wasn't really scared at all through it. Maybe the water demon is just too easy to trick, but I didn't find the demo scary at all. Just a bit tense when you're rushing for that crate in the hopes that you're going to make it before he slashes you.
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I played the demo, but I must admit, I wasn't really scared at all through it. Maybe the water demon is just too easy to trick, but I didn't find the demo scary at all. Just a bit tense when you're rushing for that crate in the hopes that you're going to make it before he slashes you.


The demo has it's weaknesses... for example, the only time you encounter the monsters that frequent the game is the one scene where you see a humanoid figure mosey off the screen.


If you enjoyed the atmosphere of the game (invisible water demon is only a small, singular part,) consider the purchase.


I think, for the most part, the demo was to feature the style of the game and, more importantly, serve as a test to whether a computer can actually run it or not.

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