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Epic Level Gameplay (Level 81+)


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Finally reached a really high level (after 744 hours of restarts) where monsters are maxed at 50. The game really could use more epic level content like:


- Epic World Monsters (Giant Giants at level 250)

- Epic Skills (to Max of 255?)

- Epic Dragonborn Level (Level 255?)

- Epic Hordes (80 skeevers, 40 Bandits at a time, or 5 Dragons)

- Epic Sized Dungeons (like x10 the size for NPC follower parties)

- Epic Battles (so Solo'ing is no longer an option. Parties of 5 NPCs needed)

- Epic Traps (Ones large enough to wipe out a whole party in one strike)

- Epic Gear (Legendary Skyforged Ebony Weapons! Titan Steel! Adamantium!)

- Epic Investments (Town defense against massive raids and dragons?)

- Epic Item Quests (10 quests for full epic gear)


All these at once would greatly extend the game.

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