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Making Custom Spells


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Using OBME i created the effect I wanted and then created a new spell adding to it the effect i created


I selected the PC Start Spell option to test it quicker, used the TESCS save option to save my changes as a separate ESP


But I cannot get the spell in game at all, not by new game nor console addspell



Windows XP SP3. At the moment I only have OBMM installed. Yep its in data files and selected


Does one have to make use of an activator to use a custom spell.


With OBME i dont need to use script to make the magic effect I know

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I am not sure, but I believe "Player Start Spell" is only used when you are chosing a class during character generation.


I have never gotten this flag to do anything either.



One way of doing this would be with a Quest.


Our quest is going to be "AddCustomSpellsQuest", so create that and make sure you check the box next to "Start Game Enabled"


Second, create a new script:


ScriptName AddCustomSpellsQuestScript


Begin GameMode

Player.AddSpell YourCustomSpell


StopQuest AddCustomSpellsQuest




Now your new spell will be added when you load your next game. From that point on, whenever you add a new spell, add it to this script.


Then, in game, through the console type StartQuest AddCustomSpellsQuest

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Thank you, that worked. I now have another issue Im trying to solve


Also in a spell Id like to change the eyes of my character. I have seen it done in the sharingan/naruto/uchiha mod and have looked at those scripts to try and achieve the same effect, but cannot.


The script attached to the spell must just change the eyes


I am using the getself, seteyes functions

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