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Lockpicks! Where do I buy/find them?


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I'm surprised this has not been mentioned, so I'll do the honors :).



There is a merchant that sells 30 picks at a time near the outside of the Imperial City. Just go out the western exit where the stables and bridge are, and follow the wall north until you find him. He's standing right behind a corner.



Or, if you are desperate enough, open the console and type in "player.additem 0000A x" without the quotes, and replacing 'x' with the amount of picks you want.

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Well, if you really want to, try doing Nocturnal's quest. You can get an unbreakable lockpick out of it. It's a bit overpowered, though, since you can just hit the auto button until the door is unlocked.
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The so called 'skeleton key' you get after the Nocturnal quest counts as an deadric artifact and somewhere in the main-quest you need to give martin one of those,

if you turn this key in(I don`t know why you should, because it is quite handy) martin will remark something like 'shopowners in all of cyradil will sleep well knowing the key has dissapeard'

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