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Oblivion.ini locked but not set as read only


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Hi there,


well, I read the forums during almost 2 hours but I don't find a solution to my problem, I hope somebody could help me.


Here is the problem :


I just reinstalled Oblivion yesterday, everything works fine, but I have a problem with the ini. It is not set as "read only", I can modify it before playing, but all the options modifications I made in game ( audio and graphics settings for exemple ) are not recorded. It's like if something is "locking" the .ini when I play.


For example, I can take screenshots, they are called sreenshot0, screenshot1, screenshot2, but when I quit the game, the screenshotindex line returns to 0, and if I play again and take screenshots, they are called screenshot0, screenshot1... again, and they overwrite the old ones if I don't save them.


I never had this problem before. I think that the only mod I added is Oscuro, could be the problem ? I thought it was streamline or Oblivion Stutter Remover, I re-installed the game without these mods, but I have the same effect.


If someone of you have a solution, I thanks him/her...

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Are you editing the .ini in ".\My Games\Oblivion\" and not ".\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\"? Do have the permissions set correctly for the file if you're running Vista/7? You can try editing the file and setting it to Read-only to see if they stick (the game and Streamline won't be able to change anything, though). Remember that Streamline changes the .ini to work.
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Streamline is not installed. Yeah I edit the file located in My Games\Oblivion. I use Win7, but I installed the game last month, and I had no problem. Then I converted armors for BBB and I installed a lot of things I did not want to keep, so I re-installed the game 2 days ago, I had the ini problem, I uninstalled it and re-installed yesterday without streamline.


I tested the game without mods and the ini works fine, but then I added the mods and now it seems "locked" when I play.


I will try to deactivate the mods one by one to locate the problem.




Ok, that's what I thought, the prblem comes from Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp. Even with Oscuro's ESM activated, the settings I change ingame are recorded in the ini. If I activate the esp, it's locked. And the game crashes when I exit, I'm sure the problem comes from the same thing, maybe the game crashes because it can't write data when I quit ?


I use Oscuro 1.34 beta in english on a french version of the game. Don't know if it matters.

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