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character rotation in 1 frame when not in combat


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Hi guys,


I've been looking for a mod that i think doesn't exist, so last resort i'm posting here :)


When you're not in combat, you can rotate the camera to face your character, which is great cause you can actually see her or him. At this point, though, if you go forwards, your character performs a 180 turn in one frame, which looks wrong.


Would it be possible to make a mod that smooths this? Say the character would perform the rotation in a quarter of a second or so, instead. Anything but not in one frame.


Not only it would be better for immersion, but also, I noticed HDT physics go crazy at this point, since the "force" exerted in one frame is too much and the bones go crazy.


That would be great. If such a mod already exist, i would love a link to it cause i've been searching and i'm desperate :)


Thanks for reading, and hopefully somebody, one day, will make such a mod :)



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hiya thanks for replying -- no it doesn't fix it, and also it makes things worse since the PC performs 180 turns when you stop walking towards the camera (that 180 is smoother, because of the blending of the animation but not because the mod actually rotates the PC smoothly)...

Edited by tiwa44
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I've really done my research, all i can find online is similar posts complaining there's no smooth turn when not in combat but no mods. it also happens when you turn 45 or 90 degrees, although it's less noticeable. i really hope some programmer will see this post and take on the challenge.
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