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(WIP) Deadlands Taverns


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Ever been in oblivion and wanted to stop and sell off some loot or even have a beer and relax? Well, now you can. This mod adds taverns into the Oblivion game worlds and some interiors. You can even rent rooms but they don't come cheap! See what Daedra do on there time off guard duty, be careful not to anger the barkeeps lest the bar erupts into a free for all!


I've tested with cm partners mod, sometimes they do start free for alls, just make sure your cm partners are essential. There is dialogue, drinking and all sorts going on in them. It's how Bethsheda should of made the vanilla taverns.


So pull up a stool crack open a beer and see that this mod is almost ready to be unleshed upon the world.


This mod contains profanity, and should not be at all considered work safe.


This is Daedra, they swear, deal with it or don't download.


It will be tagged upon release as Adults Only.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Was that a rock band with guitars and drum set I saw in there?


Yep :)


This mod will require the downloader to add their own preferred music because I couldn't find any free appropriate music, but I'll provide a walkthough on how to do that and it is extremely easy. No CS work will be needed :)

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