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Good Path Grid vs Dumb NPC's


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Hello guy's... i'm experementing a wierd problem... all of my npc's (Vanilla and Modded npc) are not using the pathgrid of the cell they are in ??? What's going on ?

I rencently reinstalled my whole game (and i have only 1/4 of the mods i used to run befor ethat "complete reinstall")

I never experienced something like this before... I've read on the net that some cell cannot be modded or the AI / NPC's / and living would go Bumb or would even crash the game... i don't think this is my case here...

I've try to found some more info about Pathgrid vs Npc's... but i hav'nt got much luck... if any of you would know something ... your Welcome !!!



I would like to mention something... Everytimes i replyed to ppl in the past, i've always gave them the best of my knowledge, so i would expect the same here...

Please don't reply something like "Oh this is wierd, best of luck man !"

If you don't know... Don't reply !!!

Many thanks to the rest of you guys who can understand why i'm writting this "Note" for the rest of you, just past my post !





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I believe what you are experiencing is a simple matter of mod conflict. The pathgrid from mod A has overridden the pathgrid from mod B.


This can be somewhat difficult to track down which two are causing the problem. If you know which mods affect the area it is a lot easier.


For example, I have two mods, "Let the People Drink," and "Arboretum Bath House" that both affect the IC Arboretum district. If Let the People Drink loads after Arboretum Bath House, all the NPC's run into walls because both have edited the same patgrid in the same area.


Like I did, you probably need to experiment with loading mods in different order. BOSS might help in this case.


Or, what I actually ended up doing in the end, was edit one or both of the pathgrids yourself to make them compatible with each other.

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Thank you for the Constructive Infos, this is what i tough at first... i will re-check my load order and see if thta solve the problem...





EDIT: I found my problem, it seems that "MMM Extend Water Life" was making all of my exterior Npc's Behaving like there was No Pathgrid ?!

I've disable the .esp and everything is back to Normal !


Many thanks for pointing me the right direction !



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Thank you for the Constructive Infos, this is what i tough at first... i will re-check my load order and see if thta solve the problem...





EDIT: I found my problem, it seems that "MMM Extend Water Life" was making all of my exterior Npc's Behaving like there was No Pathgrid ?!

I've disable the .esp and everything is back to Normal !


Many thanks for pointing me the right direction !




If you're talking about MMM - Diverse WaterLife, it was updated to fix this problem. You can download it here.

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