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Tranquilty Lane Flooded


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When beginning the Tranquilty Lane simulation in vault 112, several characters/objects seem to be swimming or floating. After getting off the bench and taking a few steps, everything goes murky and you start getting a rad count as if under water with no way to surface. You also cannot interact with anyone and (without godmode) you drown.


When I checked several location mods by uninstalling or disabling (Mantis Labs, Arefu Expanded, FLAK:Fallout Location Addition Kit). I managed to stop the flooding by disabling FLAK and then reenabled the mod after the quest was finished. I also noticed a small problem with vault 96 where most of the halucinations would not trigger with FLAK enabled.


Has anyone else run into this problem and is there a workaround besides dis/reenabling the mod, or is there something else that might be triggering this.

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I've faced a similar issue earlier not during the tranquility lane quest but in a worldspace that I created.I guess this has something to do with the geck autowater bug. Have you installed a mod that adds placeable water to that particular cell? if you do , I guess you need to adjust the water setting in the worldspace window. I don't have an idea about FLAK coz I haven't tried it but I was able to solve the same exact problem without disabling the mod, by just adjusting the water settings.

This is what i did-:

1-I deleted the placeable water.

2-checked the box for no lod water in the worldspace window.

3-Dropped the default water height to -10000..you could try either one or all of these.

....I hope it helps

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