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Idea for a mod


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OK ... Here is an idea... If its possible, I know I cant do it cause I dont know anything about scripting.... But here it goes...


1- Duplicate every weapon and piece of armor in the default game. Make all these items so that they ignore gravity. Just like the wall hung swords. All these would be zero weight. You will understand why in a minute.


2- Write a script that will run everytime the player enters their house. Now, not everyone uses a default house in one of the cities. Some use player mods like Korenos Hot Body Retreat. So I am not sure how this could be adapted. This scripts would (when run upon entering the house/castle) scan the players inventory for all weapons and armor. Compare this scan to previous scans. If there is anyting in the players inventory for the first time, then the wall hangable version of that item would be added to the players inventory. This is why they are weightless. You dont want to zone into your house and suddenly get overweight.


3- The player could then place the newly wall hangable items on their walls safe from player bumpage.


If this is workable, it would be a great mod.

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I don't think that would work, and I don't think spending the several hours of copying and removing physics is worth finding out. You should really just use chests, or display cases. If you feel you really need something on display, use one of the mannequin mods to display, or put them somewhere you can't knock them over.


Trying to do any of this falls under what I call the "Why" situation. No matter what solution you come up with, it will require alot of coding that will either disrupt normal play, or just not work right. So the question becomes "Why do you really need this?". The answer in this case is simply to cover up your own lazyness and allow you to be more careless with how you go stomping around your house while maintaining your collection of stuff well in view. If you really think that banging your head against a wall trying to figure out some bizzare way of making it work a better alternative, then get good and comfortable because you'll be doing that for awhile.

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I too collect weapons, but the display cases sound better then it really is; for instance, my swords all drop down to lower part of the case after time; when i enter my house/castle items go knocking about. I liked the Morrowind system where if you put an armour or weapon on display it stays in that same position for good...then again i also like Oblivions game physics, oh well you win some you loose some.
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Well, for me personally, If there is something I want to display I just do it in the CS. Doesnt take long at all... In most cases its faster that trying forever in game to get it in the right spot.


I am thinking of making new wall mounted display cases to get displays up at eye level. I got displays to eye level in my house (Korenos Hot Body Retreat) by using short pillars. But I think taking those red velvet cases and hanging them on the wall would look better and take up less room. But I wonder if the largest case if deep enough for items like boots.

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