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Graphic/Visual Mods?


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I'm doing a visual overhaul guide... It's not completely finished, but all mods are in there

Linky: Click!



Thanks for the link, i just bookmark it , i hope you do a video guide too once you have all the mods ready ,looking forward for this :)


Video guide? I can't really imagine anything by that... But I'm open for ideas, if you specify video guide, I might give it a try


This will give you some ideas of what i'm talking about



this is a guide on how to install a variety mods for FO3


I dont have the video software nor the mic to do that, but i can make a webpage - which i already planned on doing.



Theres a mod that adds depth of field to the game, and I think it makes outside environments look 100x better. Its on nexus, called Q depth of field or Qdof. I suggest you use the toned down version that comes with the mod.


I suggest you dont use it ;p

It's pretty old and unstable (the version I tried was at least), and it was made to fix the horrible LOD landscape. I tried it, I didnt like it. Other people might though, so ill post a link here: Click

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