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Mod request: Apprentice jobs


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Raising your crafting skills requires a large investment in order to buy the supplies ... or great safety risk to harvest the supplies for yourself.


I would like to see a system in place where you can become a crafting apprentice, earning a modest salary while grinding your crafting skills.


You'll first have to find a crafter who doesn't already have an apprentice. For example, Ghorza gra-Bagol of Markarth, Beirand of Solitude, and Elgrim of Riften already have apprentices working for them (Tacitus Sallustius, Heimvar, and Ingun Black-Briar, respectively), and thus aren't eligible to take you on as an apprentice. You could kill those apprentices to open up a position, but if you're connected to the murder in any way, their former bosses won't want anything to do with you (even if they didn't see it; bounties are public record).


Once you've become an apprentice, you can start radiant quests, where your boss will present you with crafting materials, and a piece of paper telling you what to make with them. These are not yours to keep, or to do with as you please. If you delay your work for too long, botch it up, or do anything else to suggest that you're not doing your job correctly, you'll be fired from your job, and you'll get a bounty on your head the same as if you had simply stolen the materials.


For example, as a blacksmith apprentice, you may be given 19 iron ores, three wolf pelts (presumably purchased from nearby miners and hunters), and 1 hunting bow, and given a task to make 1 iron sword, 1 iron shield, and a complete set of iron armor, in order to be sold by your boss. Then, taking the one remaining leather strip, you are asked to improve the hunting bow.


Take what you've done, and give it to your boss, and he pays you ten gold. It's not much, but remember that it takes you mere minutes to create these things, so you can do this multiple times in a single work day. This is your trade-off for not having to buy the materials outright.


You could also be tasked with making a delivery. Blacksmith merchants, for example, may want some of their inventory shipped to the court wizard for enchanting. You may be asked to conduct that delivery.


The only thing you'd be allowed to keep would be the small amount of gold you make from the jobs, and the crafting experience (which is the whole reason you'd want to be an apprentice anyway, right?


Alternatively, if you're an enchanting apprentice, you would be the one filling the orders for enchanting the items! Or, delivering them back to the blacksmith merchant after the job's done!


This way, you could max our your crafting skills in a lore-friendly environment, without having to spend coin or risk life and limb to get the supplies you need!


Any takers?

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