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What if the Nine Divines are just deadra?


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Aedra are the beings who took part in the creation of Nirn and are now bound up with it. Daedra are the ones who did not take part. That's essentially the core difference between them but there are major consequences for the Aedra being bound up with Nirn. The two Dragon Breaks could only have happened because of it, and all the Aedra change to some extent between cosmic eras, aka 'kalpas' (there's a reason why the Dunmer call them 'flighty spirits').



Camoran's claim that Nirn is another Daedric realm is a conceit on his part. Lorkhan is Aedric by definition.

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  • 5 months later...

There are a few key differences in Aedra and Daedra though. Such as...


Aedra reside in Aetherius, and cannot physically reside in Mundus

Daedra reside in Mundus

Aedra can create

Daedra must change

Aedra can die

Daedra cannot die


Everything else Mankar Cameron said in TES IV Oblivion was a lie or false. He even screwed up the Daedric Planes. I wouldn't put any weight into his absurd statements at the end of Oblivion.

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  • 3 months later...

To be honest, aren't Aedra just Deadra without a D. Aedra is what the Nine Divines are called.


And if we assume that the 'd' in deadra negates it, then the aedra are the complete opposite of the deadra. So they are related to eachother, but they are completely different.


Get it? No? Well, I am not good at explaining things, just look at the UESP wiki, they explain it better.


Well, I was reading a book in Morrowind and found out that Aedra directly translates to "our ancestors" in I think Ayleid or Dwemer, and Daedra translates to "not our ancestors", so yeah...


Yes, Aedra & Deadra explains this topic in Morrowind. I think you might be able to find the book in Oblivion or Skyrim; not sure. Maybe Bethesda expanded the lore in it. It is only 2 pages in Morrowind. I thought to myself that I would try and read one book in-game per game-day, but that's too much time for me lol.

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There are a few key differences in Aedra and Daedra though. Such as...


Aedra reside in Aetherius, and cannot physically reside in Mundus

Daedra reside in Mundus

Aedra can create

Daedra must change

Aedra can die

Daedra cannot die


Everything else Mankar Cameron said in TES IV Oblivion was a lie or false. He even screwed up the Daedric Planes. I wouldn't put any weight into his absurd statements at the end of Oblivion.


I remember reading that too. Wasn't that contained within 'Aedra and Deadra'? Or was that 'The Firmament'?

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  • 2 months later...

Okay, let me try to explain this. You guys are all close, but not quite. The Aedra can die, and create, and the daedra can only change, but not die.


Essentially, the realm of the aedra, aetherius, is on one side of oblivion, and mundus(The mortal realm) Is on the other. The main planet of mundus is called Nirn. Tamriel is a continent on nirn. One day, the aedra were just chillin in aetherius, and lorkhan ( AKA shor) Came up and was all like "Hey, we should totally make this new place. We'll call it mundus, and theres gunna be a world called nirn, and then were totes gonna be gods." And all the Aedra were like "Sweet bro!" And they all went and made mundus. Lorkhan was the big boss, and magnus was the designer. Then, the Aedra finished, but mundus was becoming part of oblivion. All the deadra laughed at the gods and were like: "Hah, noobs!" So the gods realized mundus was screwed unless they did something. Magnus was all like "Well, f*** this" And he literally ripped a hole in the sky and crawled through it to aetherius. That hole became the sun, and all of the magic in mundus comes from that hole. The rest of them realized that they had to sacrifice themselves to save mundus. Then, being really pissed off, they ripped out lorkhans heart and shot it across the world, and it became vvardenfell. Then, the gods died. When they died, they gave aspects to mundus (Akatosh becoming time, Mara beauty) So, now, their ghosts, the divines, govern these aspects. Their bodies are the planets. The end.

Edited by creslinhawk
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Okay, let me try to explain this. You guys are all close, but not quite. The Aedra can die, and create, and the daedra can only change, but not die.


Essentially, the realm of the aedra, aetherius, is on one side of oblivion, and mundus(The mortal realm) Is on the other. The main planet of mundus is called Nirn. Tamriel is a continent on nirn. One day, the aedra were just chillin in aetherius, and lorkhan ( AKA shor) Came up and was all like "Hey, we should totally make this new place. We'll call it mundus, and theres gunna be a world called nirn, and then were totes gonna be gods." And all the Aedra were like "Sweet bro!" And they all went and made mundus. Lorkhan was the big boss, and magnus was the designer. Then, the Aedra finished, but mundus was becoming part of oblivion. All the deadra laughed at the gods and were like: "Hah, noobs!" So the gods realized mundus was screwed unless they did something. Magnus was all like "Well, f*** this" And he literally ripped a hole in the sky and crawled through it to aetherius. That hole became the sun, and all of the magic in mundus comes from that hole. The rest of them realized that they had to sacrifice themselves to save mundus. Then, being really pissed off, they ripped out lorkhans heart and shot it across the world, and it became vvardenfell. Then, the gods died. When they died, they gave aspects to mundus (Akatosh becoming time, Mara beauty) So, now, their ghosts, the divines, govern these aspects. Their bodies are the planets. The end.

Aptly put.


The difference between the Aedra and Daedra is that the Aedra either were tricked into making Mundus, or wanted to.


Edit: That and Aedra and Daedra are representations of creation and destruction themselves, with the Two original gods and all that. Aedra and Daedra are fundamentally different in how they act and think.

Edited by GaylordPariah
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