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Mage/Wizard Guards and Soliders


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I know that most of the populace of Skyrim hates or fears mages in general, though some guards actually respect some mages as when they compliment your characters ability to do a certain magic skill. So why are they're only melee type guards in Skyrim? Honestly Dragon Killing and Vampire Killing might be a bit easier if one of two wizards were out on patrol as well as the usual guards. Especially in Winterhold, they're should be some more mages out their patrolling as well. I don't know about you but seeing some mage security in some towns should be interesting.


I understand some spells can be dangerous like Lightening and Fireballs or have some mages that have restoration and can cast some bane undead or guardian circle.



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That is true. It'd be nice to have a few mages guards, especially in small towns, where the population is small to begin with. If one of the mages die it's no biggie. Rather loose a guard then a quest giver character. :/ My CK skills aren't really that great. Thanks for replying.

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