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Hello everyone!!!


I Want to create a total conversion for fallout 3 about Star Wars

Many modders (Toxa,Ghoghiel,Deepside Thank you very much!!!) have been able to create very beautiful and detailed 3D models of star wars and I thought that if we combine these files could come out a better overall conversion:


I'm not very handy with blender, but I have experience with the Gecko and created many little file type the base echo (Episode V-The Empire Strikes Back):


anyone who is passionate about star wars is welcome:

here are my primary ideas:


-Convert the BOS power armor with clone trooper armor (episode II or III);

-Convert the ENCLAVE soldier with a model of battle droid (Cooool);

-Replace the Vertibird with The Republic GUnship;

-Use the weapons already created ( Another Thank you Toxa,Ghoghiel,Deepside) and give of course credits to the authors




Lyons Pride: Delta squad

BOS: Clone trooper

Scribe: Officer

Blaster rifle


Blaster Pistol

thermal Detonator

Republic gunship



Enclave Soldier:Battle droid

Enclave Tesla Soldier: Squad leader droid

Hellfire Soldier: Super Battle Droid

Officer:Officer Droid


blaster rifle

blaster pistol

thermal detonator bla bla bla...


So what do you think?

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  • 4 months later...

This sounds more like a weapon and armor replacer more than a total conversion. For a TC, you would need new terrain / landscape, buildings and basically everything visually replaced with Star Wars-themed replacements rather than re-using the FO3 assets.


I'm not fond of "Total Conversion" projects since they tend to go nowhere and suck up time and effort that never bears any fruit. Small / partial releases until you actually get enough content to make a conversion...of which you currently do not.


Also, the project leader needs to be someone that can do all the work in case certain areas are not covered by team members...otherwise you might be left standing still and not able to move on until somebody comes to the rescue...and creating models would definitely need to be in the skill set of a project like this.



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