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Lack of Maces


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A few more weapons


-four daedric-stats blunts spread through shrines of talos of skyrim


-a hammer with the same enchantment of Dawnbreaker, found at Gauldur skeleton in the end of Gauldur's Amulet quest


-one and two handed hammers spread through stormcloaks/imperial soldiers


- skyforge steel maul, sold by Eorlund Gray-Mane, at the skyforge(never used this one, but i guess that being a Companion menber is required)


-used to ignore this mod, until one day i downloaded and used. Became my essential mod since :) Aside from all the weapons, adds two handed maces and one handed hammers (all weapons in the mod looks great) and all is spread throug merchants, enemies, chests, loot, etc

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