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really bad pixelated textures (using qtp3)


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After you deleted the ini did you start Oblivion from the Oblivion Launcher (Not OBSE), so that the game could re-detect your hardware and rebuild your ini?


Regarding your mods, I can see two inconsistencies: _darker_nights.esp is not needed, and conflicts with All Natural if you enable night luminance from AN.


Streamline 3.1.esp should be below your bashed patch.

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ah that I didn't do. HA I just tried and the launcher crashed. So i used the oblivion exe to start, then closed and went into launcher again, it detected video hardware, then i loaded with obse shortcut and game crashes when i load a save. I think I'm stuck with my current ini. I remember something somewhere (may archiveinvalidation invalidated. it was recent) editing the ini and asking me if i wanted to continue. this was definitely after the problems started. arg so confusing. sux carrying around a torch with pixelated fire.

I fixed my load order. so any ideas which of my mods would have changed this? I always read instructions carefully etc.

On a sidenote, I recently tried to get REAVWD working, and that failed miserably. And i really wanted that beautiful distant detail. I would install with bain (what a mission to figure that out), in this order:


REAVWD 1.8 (not currently installed)

REAVWD ELsweyr (not installed)

REAVWD Shivering Isles (still installed but dont know if its working)

REAVWD qtp3 texture pack (not installed)


Then i ran tes4lodgen and that did its thing. a few errors came up but thats because of elsweyr heightmaps and trees and totally expected.

When i loaded my game, i saw no noticeable difference (so i checked streamline in case that was stopping the detail but it wasn't) and the imperial city had disappeared. I could still see the darker blue silhouette in the sky but the city was lacking all the models. Im not sure if the actual load order of REAVWD was right, i assumed it would follow naturally from the install order. in any case, that shouldn't make the city disappear. i am running better cities but that should just mean the distant lod models won't match up with whats really in there, which i don't care about. correct?

I just checked the load order of REAVWD in wryebash and its a little wonky, but REAVWD is before the QTP3 texture pack and elswyer and SI won't affect REAVWD. I also made sure not to use the city plugin esps because the instructions say they are optional and conflict with Better Cities.

I am still getting used to all this. But I learn fast. Thanks for your help so far.



the problems may have started after I installed UOP. I did that recently after most of my mods were installed because i wasn't aware of it when i did my reinstall of oblivion. I also put on the qtp3 patch for UOP and then reinstalled QTP3. i did everything i could to make sure i didn't get any conflicts. but maybe i missed something.

Is there a particle effect (or whatever fire and magic is) update or mod that makes it better looking that i can just install over it and maybe that will fix my problem? or half of it at least.

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After the launcher detected your hardware, did you set the graphics options? What resolution are you running in? And I don't mean desktop, I mean game resolution?
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yeah i set the graphics options from the launcher and I'm running at my native resolution: 1680x1050.

It is most likely not a problem with my graphics card if that is where you are going. it can definitely handle oblivion with ease. I also have the latest drivers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I had fixed it with a lot of screwing around and reinstalling crap. The easiest way for me to test it is to just look at the torch flames. But after a few cell loads, it went back to pixelated. I also noticed some textures weren't so bad. Then later on doing more testing, I loaded a game and pulled out a torch, walked for ages watching for it to turn pixelated, and finally saw it when I loaded an interior cell. And it went back to normal when I went back outside. I did this several times. (On my other game, it was pixelated outside too). Any ideas at all what this could be? I think this should be a good clue to the main problem.

Also, I fixed the RAEVWD problem. WOW. I can see so much now.

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Just tried that. Its like the settings are different for interior cells. But thats totally weird. I have noticed that its like there is really bad Anisotropic Filtering in interior cells too. The floor just up ahead, even though its QTP textures, gets really pixelated. Until I get close of course. And, naturally, there are no settings for anisotropy. What changes that kind of thing? Specifically interior cells? Is it possible its really a streamline issue?
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