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Oblivion is about roleplaying. SA is about the Mafia. (read: Cosa Nostra crap)


People who play games like Oblivion tends to be slightly more intelligent than people who play shoot'em'ups the whole day.

Is this really for you? How come you got here? Spelling "tessource.com" is hard. "forum.gamingsource.net" is even worse...


GTA 4? What are you talking about? It's not going to be better than SA. As a matter of fact, GTA 4 has been out for more than three years. It's called "Vice City" (Two words, that one is really hard?)


Think before you speak. Think again before you post it on the Internet!

actually, the next gta game is called gta 4. havent u seen e3 06?

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Oblivion is about roleplaying. SA is about the Mafia. (read: Cosa Nostra crap)


People who play games like Oblivion tends to be slightly more intelligent than people who play shoot'em'ups the whole day.

Is this really for you? How come you got here? Spelling "tessource.com" is hard. "forum.gamingsource.net" is even worse...


GTA 4? What are you talking about? It's not going to be better than SA. As a matter of fact, GTA 4 has been out for more than three years. It's called "Vice City" (Two words, that one is really hard?)


Think before you speak. Think again before you post it on the Internet!

actually, the next gta game is called gta 4. havent u seen e3 06?



Ya it is, I personally thought that was stupid, there was GTA 3, Vice City, SA, then GTA 4. WTF!! shouldnt it be GTA 6 o_O

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Exactly, so why did they focus on the graphics so much? A good looking game with no substance is about as nice as having a good looking girlfriend with an IQ of 40. Its nice at first, but in awhile, you never wanna look them again. In fact, some shoot em' ups i've played have a better atmosphere than Oblivion. Little things like your hair getting longer if you don't go to the barber for two months add to the atmosphere. Heck, they coulda made some use of the paintbrushes and pens and inkwells by adding a very primitive drawing system! Also, since alotta people can't even run the game at the best graphic levels (So you can tell its leaning towards the xBox 360) it woulda just been better to add the tiny little extra level of immersion. Being able to carve things with a dagger would have been fantastic!(A little thing that was left out of Fable) In fact, I would play at the lowest graphics settings and resolution, and be able to have seprate paths for each quest, including the main one. and also, I wouldn't mind if guards had sometimes randomly killed eachother if i could get the Radiant AI that they showed in the preview. The game probably would have been more popular for its roleplaying-ness and immersion then that some people like it for is Graphics. Good graphics can fade in a year, while a good game people will remember for years, and maybe even still be playing them.


Sure, but that would have taken them another year to do, and would have probably required another DVD to go with the game. I suspect that alot of the things that seem unfinished (quests and some other stuff) were held back because it would have taken up more space to add to the game than they had free on a single DVD. This would have naturally been an issue with 360. Even just fixing the voices of the spots where it's obvious, like beggers might have put them over that limit. Whereas other games didn't have near as much voice acting, and graphical stuff, so they could fit in more "content". However, alot of the stuff you mentioned, painting, drawing wouldn't have been seen as useful, so naturally wouldn't have been worked on. The fact that it would have probably required an overcomplicated system to work properly, given the way graphics and shaders are used, only strengthens their reasoning. Being able to mark trees and such would have also been cool, but would fall to the same problems. Especially when trees aren't even considdered objects.

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Well, when I said the painting thing, I meant just having a scroll of paper and being able to draw, even in only in black on it, or perhaps not even drawing, just typing. Not being able to look at it unless you open it up. Yeah, its stupid and useless, but those are little things that can make a game for some people. Also, I just put those things to show what tiny little things can make a difference, not necessarily saying that I wanted THOSE exact things or the game was trash. I would have waited another year for a more refined version of the game, maybe not actually with anything added, but done in a better way.
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First time in the game, I sat for five minutes trying to figure out just what else I needed in order to scribe my own notes. I mean, I had parchment, an inkwell, and a quill all in my inventory, and I was wondering what I else needed before the game unlocked the "Equip" option on the quill so that I could write something.


The logic being that Bethesda wouldn't go to all the trouble of creating blank parchment, quills and ink for no friggin' reason at all... :unsure:

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Exactly, so why did they focus on the graphics so much? A good looking game with no substance is about as nice as having a good looking girlfriend with an IQ of 40. Its nice at first, but in awhile, you never wanna look them again. In fact, some shoot em' ups i've played have a better atmosphere than Oblivion. Little things like your hair getting longer if you don't go to the barber for two months add to the atmosphere. Heck, they coulda made some use of the paintbrushes and pens and inkwells by adding a very primitive drawing system! Also, since alotta people can't even run the game at the best graphic levels (So you can tell its leaning towards the xBox 360) it woulda just been better to add the tiny little extra level of immersion. Being able to carve things with a dagger would have been fantastic!(A little thing that was left out of Fable) In fact, I would play at the lowest graphics settings and resolution, and be able to have seprate paths for each quest, including the main one. and also, I wouldn't mind if guards had sometimes randomly killed eachother if i could get the Radiant AI that they showed in the preview. The game probably would have been more popular for its roleplaying-ness and immersion then that some people like it for is Graphics. Good graphics can fade in a year, while a good game people will remember for years, and maybe even still be playing them.


Spoken like a true pimp.


I often look at several items in the game and wish they had a use.


Oh, cool! I found a shovel. Maybe I can dig with it and find something! Nope, the shovel doesn't do jack. Wait a minute! Here is a pick axe! maybe I can mine with it........ foiled again!


I guess we can hope that they include mini-game esque features in the full on expansion that they keep talking about.. But I won't hold my breathe.

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The stuff is probably there to add to the atmosphere... in a way it can add. Let's suppose you have the ability to write/paint with quills/brushes. The next thing you might want is to sell your paintings/books and see them in shops... And it's only about writing stuff. Each small detail may lead to a necessity of adding many other small details. Finally, the game (quite detailed, with tons of stuff usable but not used) is a monster on 5 DVDs requiring a system with 2 videocards, 4 Gbs RAM etc and still running with low fps.
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The stuff is probably there to add to the atmosphere... in a way it can add. Let's suppose you have the ability to write/paint with quills/brushes. The next thing you might want is to sell your paintings/books and see them in shops... And it's only about writing stuff. Each small detail may lead to a necessity of adding many other small details. Finally, the game (quite detailed, with tons of stuff usable but not used) is a monster on 5 DVDs requiring a system with 2 videocards, 4 Gbs RAM etc and still running with low fps.


You forgot to mention that while those items are useless to the player, some of them do get used (or atleast look like they do) by NPCs, which adds to that whole atmosphere thing. Also, if you went around and only saw gold and weapons in crates and chests, you'd probably wonder what's with all the rich violent people. By adding useless crap, it maintains the belief that you're actually looking through someone's desk, or whatever. When you go about trying to add detail to an environment, you actually kinda want MORE useless crap, if only to give it the proper look. Morrowind had alot of useless crap too, you just couldn't pick it up or interact with it.

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Yeah Like StarCraft. :D



You ever notice how in all of these mideival RPGs the chicks are wereing some sort of ancient Spandex or armor that protects there legs but not there chest( for obvious reasons) :rolleyes: , where all of there vital organs are. Spandex was invented in the 80's or something and in the real dark ages you wouldn't want to look at that stuff anyway because all the women, well, everyone, had leaprosy, Plauge and warts. Figures cause they threw their poo out the window and into the street. o_O


You know what else i find stupid: Gigantic 450lb weapons, like in "war craft"



I'd Want to make my charicter short and fat. :D

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