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Maniacal Keybind of Goodtimes


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Was hopeing I wouldn't have to bother anyone for this however I'v attempted this myself, and I either don't have enough knowledge about GECK or I'm oozeing with more stupidity then I know what to do with. This would go perfect with the character I'v been wanting to roll but it's wrecking my brain more then I thought it would, I would just make it into a weapon but the battlestance completely ruins the mood.


I'm needing a simple keybind that kills an npc with a bloody-mess effect with an optional slight shogun-like knockback (nothing over-the-top) while NOT in stealth mode that's the hard part for me. Pretty god-modeish I know, but with increased increased spawn with feral rampage 5x, the carnage would make me giggle maniacally with psychokinesis joy for months to come.


-edit: My "C" key wasn't working

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Not going to happen, while the GECK wiki says the cast function still exists, its a relic from Oblivion. None of the game mechanics used in spell casting are still included in the FO engine, hence calling "cast ..." will do nothing (pressing "c" is the same thing), the wiki even states it clearly.


Just mod a weapon to have those effects on hit. While it's theoretically possible to mod something resembling PC casting into the game, it's not really worth the effort, especially not for a god mode cheat.

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It would be possible to remove the models for a weapon you don't see the hands using such as a mesmatron then add that stuff to it with a 100% chance of critical hit. It would make it seem like you are casting a spell or moving things with your mind. As with what SkevitJ said this is the closest you'll come. Gimmie a day I'll see what I can do.
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