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"Blood, Sweat and Tears"


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Thanks for the comments so far guys. Next part is coming up real soon...I just have the writing part to do here. ;)


After things are going to slow down a bit; I've got other things to do. But I will hopefully encourage a little bit of speculation with some extra title art later on.

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Wow. I just stumbled across this thru Bluedanubes link. Good thing I did. I am amazed. This is much better than the fallout storyline. Has its mcguffens but not crazy mcguffens. Pretty nice work even so. Once you are done you should release this a download like your halo scopes. With the storyline like in word or something similar. Pictures are also really nice. Excellent work.



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Everyone gasps, but I’m quick to respond. Saya had just finished laying out the sleeping gear but had fainted on the spot. I catch her in my arms before she comes into contact with the rock-hard earth. The morphine must have worn out and Autumn’s torture methods must have taken their toll. Her light, tender frame allows me to carry her effortlessly.




Well I think Bethesda is great at developing good worlds. I feel as if you can take any of their characters, and fill them with life. Jericho is an excellent example.

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Chapter 6: Shock and Awe



With a bit of effort, Jericho succeeds in waking up Butch and Saya. Saya wakes up easily and feels surprisingly well for what had just happened to her. Butch is another story…but the old “pinch-your-nose-while-you-are-sleeping” trick ends up working just fine. (It was Saori’s idea, seriously.) I stroll over to his bedside.


“Morning there, sunshine.”


“What the h***…you’re a real a**h***, you know that?”


“Well, sorry. Can’t help it. I was born that way.”


“Agh…well, I’m up now,” Butch mumbled. “You better make it worth my while, punk.”


“Don’t sweat it. Just join me and everyone else, away from the fire. You’ll see.”


I reach out to help Butch get on his feet. Combined with his weight, he grips my hand with such strength I almost fall forward on top of him; the added weight of backpack probably prevented that. Turning back to the lake, I can see the rest of the gang is waiting for us. Saya smiles and waves as we approach everyone.


“Well, here’s your Pipboy,” Saori sighs, extending her arm. “Do what you have to do.”


“Alright…just keep steady.”


Everyone is watching me.


I take the small chip out of my pocket that was ejected from the mysterious cube; it is still glowing with a bright, blue light. I flip open a small flap on the side of the Pipboy and slowly insert the chip into an appropriately-sized slot. Without warning, the chip is sucked inside, like a vacuum.


“Aaaand...there we go.”


The Pipboy screen begins to heat up and becomes tremendously bright, emitting an eerie green glow.


Jericho glances at me. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing, kid.”


I don’t respond to his comment. In a few moments, like magic, two small but pixilated humanoid figures emerge right before our eyes. Everyone gasps in awe as I step back.




“A… a h-hologram!?” Saori stammers. “I thought this technology was lost!”


“Yep, that’s right. A hologram. And this is why I told you all to get away from the light,” I remind everyone. “If we were too close, it would have been impossible to see this.”


Jericho just smirks in amusement, muttering something to himself.


“Hey…how the h*** did you know about this?” asks a bewildered Butch. “I knew this stupid computer was built before the Great War, but this is something else.”


“Well, the Vault has a ton of information in its databases. I actually just read what was there. You see, when you were-“


“Shhh!” Saya shushes us. “The hologram people…they’re saying something.”


“…this facility is under United States government control. The person in charge is to step forward immediately, and turn over all materials related to this project.”


“Hey,” Saori whispers. “That voice…isn’t this…you know…the colonel?”


”That’s quite impossible. This is a private project; the Enclave has no authority here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave at once.”


Butch begins to think aloud. “Okay…well, if the first guy is Autumn, who’s the other guy?”


Everyone just looks at each other in confusion.


”Am I to assume sir, that you are in charge?”


”Yes, I’m responsible for this project.”


”Then I repeat sir, that you are herby instructed immediately hand over all materials related to this purifier.”


“Agh,” I groan. “I have no idea who the one in charge is. Does anyone else know?”


Everyone shakes their heads slightly.


Jericho rubs his beard. “Hey kid, doesn’t that important guy have ‘da same suit you all got now?”


“Yeah!” Butch exclaims. “Vault 101! What the fu-“


“Shhh!” Saya hushes the group again, like what a mother may do to a disobedient child. A loud gunshot violently cracks through the Pipboy speakers, and everyone’s eyes are once again fixated on the two green figures.

“…I suggest you comply immediately sir, in order to prevent any more incidents. Are we clear?”


”Yes…colonel. I’ll do whatever you want; there is no need for more violence.”


“Then you will immediately hand over all materials related to this project, and aid us in making it operational at once.”


“Very well…in a few momentssssssszz-“

The audio begins to fill with background noise and slowly becomes more distorted; the hologram begins to become fuzzy and eventually flickers off. The audio is still present; however, we’re all just as eagerly tuned in as when GNR is playing its melodious tunes. Who knows what could happen.


Without warning, the Pipboy speakers crack again in a giant “KABOOM,” startling everyone.






With those finals words from the unknown figure, the chip ejects itself from Saori’s Pipboy, landing on the soft soil below. I bend down to pick it back up, still in a bit of shock from what I just witnessed.


“Erragh! What the f*** is going on!?” Butch says, irritated. “We were too busy talking! We need to watch that aga-”


“NO!” the rest of us shout in unison.


“No…just, no. YOU were too busy talking. We are soooo not watching that again,” Saori barks. She gets up close and personal with Butch, jabbing her fingernail into his sturdy build.


Saya, Jericho and I just sigh in disappointment, but I decide to turn the conversation around.


“In any case, it is definitely no venture that Autumn’s talking about Project Purity…whatever that is. And who knows how the Enclave even obtained this footage. But speaking of ‘no,’ what the heck was that at the end? And who was the guy in the Vault suit talking to when he said ‘run?’ Was it a ‘he’ or a ‘she?’ The audio was simply too distorted near the end. We still have too many questions and too little information. We don’t even know where Project Purity is.”


“Maybe we should just ask some people,” suggests Saya.


“Well, where to then? It needs to be somewhere we are a bit more accepted. Megaton?”


“Not a good idea.” Jericho shakes his head in disappointment. “Don’t go askin’ there; Megaton is so far out there that nobody has a g**d*** clue about what’s goin’ on.”


“Hmm…okay, we could possibly meet up with Rielly and her crew back in D.C.”


“…and fight our way there ill-prepared,” Saori adds. She holds up her pistol with two fingers; parts of the gun look ready to fall off. “This can’t be fixed without the proper tools. Maybe some other time.”


“Ugh. If that’s the case, then the next best and final option is to head over to Rivet City. There are plenty of folks to ask there, and they are pretty knowledgeable. But we aren’t taking any Metros; you all know what happened last time. Capeesh?”


Everyone responds in agreement. Whipping out my compass, we turn southeast – the direction towards the boat city – and notice something a bit odd. Something is out of place.


Like the stars in the sky, hundreds of small lights are now littering the area all around us; never were they present before. They glimmer in the distance in a multitude of colors, and are slowly approaching our campsite…inch by inch. The world is suddenly silenced.


“What the h***…?” says a whisper. I can’t identify the speaker; even the sound of the nighttime ambiance is like a warzone compared to those soft words.


One thing is for sure: our eyes aren’t lying to us. Not a bit. All five of us look at each other and don’t even give it a second thought.


Safeties off.



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interesting story development al,much more than the original. are you sure you don't want reconsider the writer thing ?. as i can see you got talent for it. :thumbsup:


its 2 am here i really need to hit the sack ~_~,i'll read the next part tommorow okay.Oyasumi, amai yume :sleep:

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Chapter 7: Rebirth



“Hands in the air!” Butch bellows out. “You saw what we did back there; we can mess you up just as easily right here and now.”


A bead of sweat drips down the side of my head, glimmering in the warm light of the campfire. But in that moment, the back of my mind calls out to me…like it was trying to tell me something.


It’s the Capital Wasteland. Expect the unexpected.


Within moments, we find ourselves lowering our weapons in awe. Saori drops her gun, her mouth wide open in amazement. She is the first to shatter the stillness around us.


“This is no assault…these are fireflies…! But what are these creatures doing here…and why? There are so many of them. Hundreds. Maybe even more. ” She unwaveringly reaches out into the darkness.


Butch scoffs as he throws his gun over his back. “Who gives a rat’s a** about these bugs?” A firefly approaches Butch from behind, but he immediately swats it out of the air with the back of his hand.


“Don’t hurt them!” Saya scolds him. “They’re so beautiful.” She kneels down and cups one inside her hands.


Jericho just crosses his arms in silence.




Within moments, we are enveloped by these glowing miracles of light. Our small, lowly campsite has been transformed into what could even be described as a majestic altar. I had only read about these creatures before; they possess an incredible ability to create light, albeit exceptionally rare in the Wastes. But this is something else; again, hundreds, or maybe even thousands have gathered in one location. It is like the Wasteland is truly reclaiming what it once lost; even the trees seem to be getting a little greener.


We can now rest easy…for tonight, anyway. Tomorrow, at least, is a fresh start; we have a new friend to fight by and guide us, and a mysterious new objective to undertake over at Rivet City. Nothing will stop us, and nothing will hold us back.




Edited by AliasTheory
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Very gripping writing had me hooked till the last bit and now can not wait for the next chapter in their adventures. You really do seem to have a talent for writing a good story with nicely fleshed out characters :)
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