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Simple Essential MOD Request


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I play on the PC, this is the best game ever, and has so many outfits and looks for the player to use - why is it so damned hard to SEE your front side? Put an outfit on, wait for the screen saver? DOH. Can't anyone just make a MIRROR? Just put a full length mirror ANYWHERE handy, Megaton House, Moira's, the doctor's office - ANYWHERE so I can SEE what the front of me looks like!

And let me know when you build it, please!


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Umm...why don't you just look at your character in the inventory screen? You can rotate the character 360 degrees there.

In general, mirrors could be a bad idea...they would require making an exact duplicate of the scene in front of them, increasing polygon count and so slowing down the scene.

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Try going into 3rd person and using either

TVM: ToggleVanityMode, which allows you to rotate the camera around you character, or

TFC: ToggleFreeCamera, which frees the camera from the character and allows you to go around with your character staying in the same place.


Play around with them some, see what you like.


Edit: This is FO3 you speak of? Eh, might be the same codes anyways.

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APOLOGIES - I posted in the wrong forum! Oblivion had always been my favorite game until FO3. Anyway, the TVM and TFC commands are a great idea! I forgot all about them, it's been a while since I've been to the Imperial City...

Thanks for the idea!

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