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Crap!!! My Game is in Russian - Can Someone Send me the &#


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Recently, I bought a copy of "Fallout 3 : Operation Anchourage" but the copy was in Russian .... :wallbash:

I am a Russian-Speaker although when I install DLC packs into the game they just go wrong! So I need to translate the mod WITHOUT patching it! :wacko:


If there is anyone kind out there, Can someone email the file called "English.ESM" in the DATA folder to me !



Check if you may have it! Games in other languages MAY still have this file...

Also, Check first via running the game and selecting "DATA FILES"... (As Ilustrated Below)





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If you have an English game and Russian DLC then just changing an esp isn't going to help. You need to figure out which language you want to use and stick with that one. Mixing versions will cause mixed language and possibly other problems as well.


It is against the rules on this site to ask for copyrighted files. That is an instant ban offense here as we do not want to be known as a pirate site. We do not support people who do not support the game makers.

Bben46, Moderator

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