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The Best Quests


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Thanks a lot! But there is no word "overhaul" here. Please tell what overhaul means for only this time, than lets focus on the mod. You can do the textures, alonsomartinez ca do whatever overhauling is, I really really need someone who can modify the quest with the fictions, logs and descriptions I've already created.
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There's also The Somewhat Acerbic Modder's Dictionary, in case you're wanting that.


So as fictionist, what do you plan to do again? Have you thought of any sample quests?



Well I have decided my favorite quests. I want to do some creative quest like these.



Second Im not if this was it, the one which you kill all five people in the locked house.



I guess you get the point. I dont like all those "go and kill" quests. I like the ones which are creative and different. I have lots of ideas.

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