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HGEC Head\Neck Displacement Issue...


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SO I am having a problem with some NPC's experiencing minor...

umm... head\neck\decapitation problems, for example:




Does anybody know of a fix for this?? Thanks in advance for any help! :)

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thats a normal seam :rolleyes: .....well not too normal :confused: ......hell i havent a seam like that ever :blink:

try the hgec body seam reducer by luchaires in here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19738 if that dont work for you try to hide the problem with this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18669 (again from luchaires)

or i remember an hgec seamless body replacer but cant found it

or just look for a set of textures (head and body) that you like heres two



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Thanks for your quick reply. I have actually already tried the seam reducer - which sadly didn't do much. Although I think its more geared at people having skin tone related problems, rather than ritual dismemberment issues. As for hiding it, I haven't been able to find something that works on NPCs, strangely my own character is totally uneffected by this - mostly its just every single female NPC that I come across. Except for elves. They are for some mysterious reason immune.


I will try your suggestion of searching for other head and body textures. Although I *THINK* that the issue is more related to the upper body mesh not meeting the head mesh and I can't seem to find head meshes anywhere. But fingers crossed! Thanks again :)

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well maybe you want to try this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078

is a clothes replacer but thas not what im telling you to use, in there is a full hgec body with all the meshes needed


or try this versin of the hgec body http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15802

thats what i was using until bbb hgec body just chage the textures as the one included are low rez


other option is to try the bbb hgec body it works wonderfully but its not easy to install (at least it can be kind of troublesome)


im using it and it works ok and with low seams


and last option i can give but not for everyone tastes is the colourweels clothing replacer http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23143

i use it but be warn that the clothes in there show more skin than the vanillas or the eves but it work pretty good and have a necklace included in all the clothes that hide the seam


also im not sure it will work but try using the obmm archieve invalidation feature it helped me to correct minor meshes problems like meshes that did not load, or load on top or other meshes making the game act and look funy

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I appreciate it big time, that's probably the most thorough response I've ever gotten on a forum :biggrin: , and believe it or not the first link you provided (for the clothing replacers) did the trick. I'm not sure what the difference was in the meshes, but after installing it the heads are fully attached! Which obviously, I am just thrilled about.


So thank you so much! You've been a huge help!

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