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a certain type off jump i want


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ok so its a jumpsuit they would use in mechs basically its a lightweight suit goes from leg to neck and its basically like an anti heating in it

i know this isnt much off a desc but it doesnt matter how you or yous make it mably a few desgins on it off your choice would be fine with any colour if all would be great


ive serched through the words jumpsuit and i havent anything that looks like wat i want



heres a picture off wat im talking about




girl in the middle in red is wat im talking about any colour will do






heres a clearer picture off the the suit



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That looks good, would be something I would use.


This would require modeling, and texturing, which is usually harder to get to have happen than a little landscaping and scripting, but it could end up a reality (i can't do it)


We'll, technically I could, but it would look horrible, and we would need someone else to import it into the game. Bluntly, you don't WANT me to do it.


I am guessing it would add some fire-resistance and radiation resistance?


I would also think multiple versions (more plating version, more lightweight version, etc)


Good luck, and may the force be with you.

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that looks kinda like the suit although if you try and compare wat im looking for it half off it would look the same as half off wat im looking for

for example the top off zero suit looks the same as top off the suit im looking for

the bottem looks a bit different like the boots in the zero suit arent in the picture which if i had gotten a full model of the suit im looking for the bottem is like leggings



but i have to to try that suit aswell since it looks nice

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