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Robbery Mod


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Im surprised no one has made a robbery mod yet.


Heres how it would work.


If you have a gun out, talk to an NPC, a "weapon-non-holstered" check would come in and there would be an option to attempt to rob that npc. There should be a chance of success based on


-weapon (if you have a switchblade out, your chances are small, if you have a minigun out, your gonna most likely walk away with extra caps.)

-karma (if your a good guy, the NPC wont take you serious. if your evil, theyll be more inclined to give you the caps)

-NPC (more aggresive npcs wont allow you to rob them, theyll attack after you try. Most of the common npcs and non-combat npcs will be easier to rob though).


After robbing NPCs, if successful, the NPC will run away, but not turn hostile, and NPCs around should only turn hostile if they are within a certain length away. maybe 10 yds away.

If the robbery attempt is unsuccessful, the NPC will turn hostile, which will make npcs around turn hostile towards you as well.


I wish sooo bad that i could mod, or atleast had the time and patience to learn.

But sadly i cant.


So PLEASE can someone TRY to create this. This would be a big hit in the modding community.

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