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New DLC Request!: Wrath of the Witch Queen


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I was not trying to offend you! This is not a Drama Contest. This is for anyone who wants to see who can make the best answer. Plus, you will have a much better time by watching this pan out.

i was trying to start drama, nor am i offended. im confused why you seem so devoted to this project yet you make this request and seemed to be incredibly lazy about it. it just seems you didnt put any effort into it and expect others to make up their own opinions of it. kinda like that book Brian Griffon makes in the family guy tv show Wish it, Want it, Do it where he writes a book with about ten pages of written content and about 70 blank pages and tries selling it.


i get a bit worked up when i see things like this. where someone makes a request that doesn't seem like a request and puts a story to have made into a mod with no working details beyond back story.does that make more sense? also why dont you have time to answer 18 questions? i get your working on some other project, but why would you request something and not tell the modders what you want them to make? if you just wanted people to discuss the concept than you have put this thread in the wrong forum. in which case should use the report button at the bottom left of any of they comments and ask to have the thread moved to the Mod Talk forums where it belongs... also if you do that ask that they can delete all of my comments and any responses to them.


im not tryin to start any fights, im just trying to help... and kinda came off a bit harsh and i apologize for that.

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I am now able to type faster! YAY! And it's all because I discovered that I can use my Alpha Smart! Many of you may not know what an Alpha Smart is - so let me tell you: It is simply an electronic version of an 1800's typewriter! lol


Nevermind about the contest - I will answer the 18 Q's myself.

Edited by skyline77712
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modding games on console is not allowed though by the legal license you agreed to when purchasing it. in other words you can have your xbox repossessed by Microsoft if you do, or have it so you can never use xbox live on it again.

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