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Crashing on startup - I have tried everything!


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Just want to point 2 things out first before I explain: One, I am new to PC gaming. I have only had this laptop for about a month now. And two, I spent half a day trying to fix this issue on my own. I went step by step through several video tutorials to no avail. Hitting up the forum for help is a last resort as I know there have probably been 100 people before me asking the same question.


So the issue is Skyrim crashing on startup. It gets to the Bethesda logo and crashes. From what I've learned, it is probably because of my mod order. The crashing started after installing Remove 3D Map Camera Restrictions which needs to be at the bottom of the load list. First I tried using LOOT and moved it to the bottom. Then I followed a tutorial and cleaned mods using TES5Edit. Still crashes.


I used Steam to download/install all of my mods and noticed that in most of the tutorials they are using NMM, so I installed that, followed 2 more tutorials, one explaining how to switch from Steam to NMM, but it still crashes.


Finally, I decided to just uninstall and delete that mod. I unsubscribed from it and followed a tutorial on how to delete it from my computer. Still crashes.


So as you can see, I need help. I'm worried that I will have to remove all mods, or even uninstall Skyrim, and lose all of my progress. PLEASE HELP!!

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this should fix your problem :smile:




also, number 1 rule - NEVER uninstall any mods during a play through, it will break your game almost every single time

Edited by gromulos
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NMM should pick up any already installed workshop mods - you should see them on the Plugins list, but not the Mods page list as they were not installed using NMM and cannot be uninstalled using NMM. workshop mods are uninstalled from the game by unscbscribing that mod on the Steam workshop. Many workshop mods are available on the Nexus as well as Workshop, but not all.


Your game progress should not be affected as neither workshop or NMM make changes to the saved games.


NMM works diferently from Workshop - workshop you subscribe to mods and they are automatically installed & undated by steam whether you want them to be or not - then when you unsubscribe they are removed from your computer.


With NMM, you have a choice of downloading using NMM or downloading manually - using NMM, the mod is installed but not activated - you decide when to activate it. Using manual. the mod is downloaded to a location you choose - then you can use NMM to install and activate it - this leaves a backup copy of the mod in the location you downloaded it to. Even if you remove the mod from your game it can be put back at any time without downloading again.


As for removing mods - some mods can be removed with no problems - those without scripting or those that do not add game altering features like new places. And once you learn how, even those can be removed with a bit of work.


Before making any big changes like changing from workshop managing your mods to NMM managing be sure to backup your game - make copies of the data folder and put in another location on the computer ( make a new folder outside of the Steam folder for these backups) Make copies of the ini files and your save game folder and put them in the backup folder also.

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Plugins (or mods) make references to to information within other mods.
If you remove a mod but still have a patch or plugin that references that mod, than your game will crash when trying to load your plugins.
This could also possibly be caused by not using loot to arrange your load order.

TES5EDIT can be used to troubleshoot this.

Open Tes5Edit, all of your mods will be checked, click ok to load all mods into tes5edit. If there is a problem then tes5edit will tell you what plugin is the offender

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