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Viewing Distance


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Hi everyone.


So, today I decided that I wanted to push as much power out of my PC as possible.


My main aim was to increase the distance at which items, NPCs, buildings, trees, etc loaded. To the details:


I've been editing the Oblivion configuration setting found in the My Document/My Games/Oblivion folder. The section I have edited the most is the [LOD] section.


However, even when I push something like fLODMultObjects to 200.0000, buildings and other relevant stuff still don't load from a long distance away.


If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it greatly.



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Distant items will only be viewable if the LOD data is available to the game. The way to get what you want, sort of since it only applies to landscape and buildings, not items, is to use something like RAEVWD. Then rebuild your LOD files with TES4LODGen.
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Oblivion lags with RAEVWD on any heavily modded rig, no matter how powerful. Oblivion is an old game, and modern computers make little difference to performance -- a good graphics card with plenty of dedicated RAM is the main thing to consider when it comes to Oblivion. I've seen powerful gaming beasts brought to their knees with Oblivion.
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