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rens beauty pack guide


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Ren's Beauty Pack has 2 zip archives inside the downloadable one. You need 7Zip, which is free. I have to admit, that Rens archive is very badly organized for those who are unsure of Oblivion's folder structures.


What you need to do is extract (you can drag them) the two .7z archves from the main one. One adds the Mystic Elf race, and the other is just Ren's hair. Decide which one/s you want and open the appropriate archive (7z).


Extract the contents (which are folders) from each onto your desktop. Now in each folder there is another folder called 'Data'. Open the data folder and copy the entire contents to your ...\Oblivion\Data\ game folder. If you are prompted to overwrite anything, say yes.


Activate the .esp files to enable the mod.

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