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BOSS is breaking things.


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It's not such a huge deal, really, but it is quite annoying. Whenever I run boss, it reorganizes my load order (as it should), but it keeps placing certain things where they shouldn't be and it causes game crashes. Mainly, I've noticed OblivionCats being moved way up top (which I know for a fact causes a crash on start-up) and Cobl Races being thrown onto the bottom. I have to manually fix it before I can play again.


Any idea why this could be happening?

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BOSS will ONLY cause the problems you mention if you do not consolidate the reordering by using the BOSS tags, and build a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash -- BOSS does NOT break things.
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If you read the documentation, BOSS is a suggested load order. That's why the instructions say to make a backup first. BOSS isn't perfect, but it is the best we have. Check for a newer master list. Your problem may have been fixed. If not, leave a message detailing your problem on the BOSS forum.
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This happens sometimes. I use Bloody Mess and Supreme Magicka. Bloody Mess has an armor shader suppressor, which keeps enchanted armor from having a subtle glow. This is important because that subtle glow takes the place of the blood. If I use BOSS, it puts Supreme Magicka after Bloody Mess, which causes this problem. I just reorganize it manually. Bloody Mess should always go under Supreme Magicka in your load order unless you want enchanted apparel to be bloodless.


That's just an example. I don't really consider it a problem.

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