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The Pitt Raiders


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I was wondering The Pitt has a massive industry , a cure for radiation and a leader who is a true visionary for humanity, one who knows what exactly to do. I was wondering 10-20 years down the line won't the Pitt be one of the most successful cities in America..


Once the cure is finally made they won't need slaves anymore, Pitt will start becoming a real city.

They have a huge industry capable of making ammo and power armor(tribal power armor was made by them).


When we kill Ashur and give the baby to the Maedia , later on she ends up saying "she is surprised Ashur kept the slaves from killing each other"


I was wondering, what do you think is future of the Pitt like 10 - 20 years down the line ?

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I dunno, I doubt the raiders will want anything to do with a civilized city. LIkely they'd leave, or worse. Then the Pitt is either without any defense (Aside from Werhner and Ashur, few there seem to demonstrate skill with a gun), or utterly destroyed.
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If there's ever a cure, odds are that the discoverer will keep it for themselves and and their allies. If it's Ashur you can bet the raiders will be the first to be treated (they'll revolt otherwise), and if it's Werner I have no doubt that the (ex-)slaves closest to him will be treated first. They will then form the ruling class in the city, and history shows that those who have don't like to share.

Look at historical revolutions, do they tend to work out well for the general population?



I suspect they would be marginally better off with Ashur. Firstly I think he's the one most likely to actually find the cure, and he also doesn't seem any more evil than Werner, just more powerful.


Also, AFAIK Tribal power armour is badly repaired BoS power armour, and not locally produced.

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Ashur has a good idea in restarting industry, but hiring raiders was incredibly stupid. How does he think he'll get rid of them? Even if he does put them out, they've been in the town and likely know how to retake it once Ashur is dead. Then it'll be another Evergreen Mills.
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The Enclave will do what they did with Project Purity; Attempt to take over the Pitt by force or by wriggling their way in and taking over.


The Brotherhood MAY assist, but then again. Ashur would be branded a deserter/traitor; Theres nothing more important to the Brotherhood than tech and the oaths in which they place so much loyalty.


However, once the industry starts to build.

Ashur can hire professional mercenaries instead of relying on just thugs and raiders.

Don't forget if you actually help Ashur you're in command of his army. So the job would fall down to you.

So the lone wanderer would really be another big part in all this.


The raiders follow whoever has the most power, so long as Ashur shows this power they will remain loyal.


This is a really delicate process in the Pitt...


The slaves will obviously hold grudges against Ashur and his raiders for many many years.

But becoming friends with the slavers will make the raiders believe he has gone soft and will most likely fight to see who is strongest to lead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thing is, keeping Ashur in power is the only logical course of action. If you give the baby to Midea, she says "I have too much work to do to work on a cure..." or somesuch. So even though the slaves are free, they won't find a cure for the sickness (don't have the tech/medical knowhow) and will all eventually turn into a city of Troggs, so it's a bit self-defeating. Still, some dignity to be had in deciding your own fate I guess, even if it is worse.


But like KD says, it will evolve eventually when the population is able to expand naturally. The "raiders" are infact slaves who have earned their freedom. Why do they perpetuate the whole system, instead of bringing it down? Because they know that the alternative is worse, back to pre-scourge days.


If Ashur manages to keep control of the situation, find the cure, build the population, then the Pitt will grow. There will probably be need for a strict social order for generations to come, although not as brutal as the current one. If they can keep the mills going, they can go beyond producing ammo for the army, to civilian stuff - new buildings, bridges etc. You have to imagine that the Pitt is at an Ancient Rome stage of evolution (the whole "slaves winning their freedom" is very Roman). So it's going to be a long road back to a semi-modern idea of society up there.


I don't think the Enclave would take an interest unless the army became big enough to be a threat to them (if they still exist in any structured form). The Brotherhood took any tech worth taking during the scourge, and they don't care about the people, so it's history to them. However, the Commonwealth might be very interested in working industrial production facilities - maybe they would send in an Android army to try and take over. We don't really know much about them, hopefully they will come to the fore in a future Fallout.


(I loved the Pitt, not only was it the most beautifully designed of the Fallout DLCs, but the story was brilliant too)

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I completely agree tegthelord.

Perhaps Ashur announcing he has a cure will give the slaves hope and believe him more.

That could be the turning point.

His only problem is the raiders. They need to give respect.

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