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GECK help


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Hiya, hope I'm posting this in the right place. So I was messing around in the geck, makin' a vault and junk. So I go to the wastland map to make an entrence to the vault and when I go back to my vault it looks like this . As you could guess, there used to be stuff in that big blank space. Everything still works fine ingame, the navmesh is still there, and all the items still show up in the item windo as being there I just can't see 'em; and one know what's up?

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It is most likely a roombound issue.


  1. in User/Documents/My Games/Fallout New Vegas/ Find the GECKcustom.ini open it and look for bUseMultibounds= If is is set to 0 Change it to 1, if it is set to 1 change it to 0. (I forget the default off the top of my head. ) Doing this will force everyting in the cell to load and will fix the Hovok engine.
  2. load your cell and do a search for Roombounds or. under the view menu open the Show hide window and check portals and rooms. (this will show them)
  3. Delete all Roombounds and portals from your cell.


Roombounds and portals are for optimization of a cell and my bet is that you have some leftovers from the original cell you started with.


Hope this helps.

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happy to have been able to help!


now that you have done the Multibound fix there are a few other things it will fix and one issue it causes.


  1. The Hovok engine will now work properly
  2. The M key will now toggle Markers on and off.
  3. All vanilla cells will fully render

The one issue is that cells that use Multibounds will crash the GECK. Fortunately I only know of one such cell! This cell is the Lucky38 worldspace, the one with Mr. House Penthouse and the Cocktail lounge.


To view that cell you'll have to revert the fix.


Also If you don't know Multibounds are a bit like Roombounds and help optimize the cell. Multibounds are used in worldspaces and roombounds are used in interiors.

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