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"Error Cylic Redundancy Check"


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Ok Ive had a problem with a couple of mods, I use disks and then download the mods to my computer later. Well with a couple of mods when i try to copy them into my computer it stops and says "Error Cylic Redundacy Check!!!" does anyone know what this means and how to fix it?
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defrag your hard disk sometimes it fixes that


your disk is damaged try to copy to another computer if it tells you the same then is your disk

I see... thank you lobo 1010 I will try that

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A cyclic redundancy check means that there was a calculated number in the original file, and when you installed it checked the file on your computer and ran the same calculation and got a diferent number indicating that the file on your computer did not match the original file. This is usually caused by a corupted download, but it can be caused by a virus also.
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It must be corrupted download then. I had suspected as much. It wouldnt be a virus because my school has like a superbeast virus protection system.
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