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A question about AI and screenshots...


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I'm not sure whether this topic already exists, but half an hour of browsing the forums gave me nothing, so...


I've just taken up playing with pose mods and taking screenshots, which has proved more fun than I thought at first. While looking around for poses I have also found several Oblivion comics made with screenshots, and was inspired to try it on my own. The first page went pretty well, and with a bit of groaning I found that I can manage three to four characters and their poses quite well. I then tried to move onto a public area...

At first it seemed to go fine. However, it soon became apparent that NPCs are very uncooperative. With frustration I watched as the perfect setup I had created was disturbed over and over again by people talking about goblins and mudcrabs and whatnot, resetting facial expressions and poses alike. It doesn't help that people take offense when I try to make them pose either, and I've been skewered on several swords in this artistic ordeal.


What I want to know is; Can I somehow control where an NPC stands, and which direction he/she faces, with a mod or through console commands? Or if that isn't possible, can I use a console command to strip an NPC of their AI package so they don't move around or talk? Is there something else I should consider when taking screenshots? Any general tips are appreciated.


I hope I can get some help, or at least a push in the right direction.

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Try TAI: ToggleActorAI. It stops their AI completely, but you won't be able to 'push' them, nor will they react when you hit them. But they'll hold still.


For making them do poses, Trollf's Actors In CHarge might help, but I don't know if they work while TAI is used.


As an alternative, remove the actor's AI packages in the the CS and give them one to Find, then set the target as nothing, and check off Skip Fallout Behavior. They'll run idle animations, but not go talk to anyone.

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I'll try out TAI, seems to be what I'm looking for. And I appreciate the mod reference, but I already know how to make them pose. Frankly, I think I must have scooped up every pose mod on the nexus that's still available. :P


- EDIT -


Okay, tried out the TAI command. Posing doesn't work when it's active, but kicks in as soon as I use the command to restart the processing. If I'm careful, I should be able to use this. Thanks for your help. ^^

Edited by Zeus_II
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If you need to precisely set an NPC's position, use getpos x to find the x coordinate of the NPC's position, and then setpos x [newvalue] to move the NPC to a new x coordinate. Some goes for the y and z coordinates. However, I'm not sure of an NPC will snap to the pathgrid if you set them too far into the air or too low below the ground.


You can change the way they are facing by using getangle z and setangle z [newangle].

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