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Dragonborn - Path to knowledge, cube BUG


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So I'm in the room with the 3 bridges you have to lower inside the dwarven ruin, after I've lowered the bridges and placed the control cube on the mechanism that drains the water, I cannot use the last control pedistal at all for the final door.. there simply isn't any prompt "press E to place controlcube" and I'm not mis-aiming, and I've tried to go back to the save where you first enter the room but that didn't make any difference.. also this apparent bug is not listed on the wiki page for that quest... :( What do I do?

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  • 11 months later...

If anybody out there is still having this issue. There is an alternative to using the console command to set the next stage of the quest. Instead, use the console command "movetoqt" and then the quest id, which is DLC2MQ04. This relocates your character the quest arrow on the map. Do it once and it takes you back out to the main area where you left the 2 cubes. Grab them and the water will start to rise. Do the console command again and it takes you to the cube next to Neloth. Grab it and do the console command again. This time it takes you to the one behind the bugged door. Grab it and do the console command one last time. It takes you back out to where you picked up the first 2 again. Place the 2 back in the pedestals, then walk back over to the aquaduct door. By this time Neloth is on his way out. The quest should pick up there and work from there on.

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