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Arena broken.


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Hello everyone am new to this forum so am not to sure if this has been made or not but i have a problem with the arena.


Once I beat the second arena match owyn says Okay so you did it again. What do you want from me, a hug? Take your gold and get out of my face, pitdog! i get my 50 gold and 1 fame and same thing all over again... anyone know how to fix this or at least skip this part I try console commands but they don't seem to work, even if there is a mod or something to fix this please help. thank you. If need be I can make a video of whats happens and post.

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It's probably a mod breaking Owyn's quest dialogue. Deactivate each one, talk to Owen to confirm he does what he should do, and then reactivate each mod in groups or alone until you find the problem.


If it's a mod you really want to use, it's technically possible to correct the problem in the CS.

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Ok, I'm winging it here, but here's the resulting script from Owyn's dialog you refer to:


set Arena.ChorrolMatch to 0

player.additem Gold001 50

modpcfame 1

ResetInterior ArenaMatchCell

StopQuest ArenaAggression

StopQuest ArenaAnnouncer

StopQuest ArenaDisqualification

ICArenaMatchGateRef.Lock 100

SetStage Arena 10


Now, you got your gold and your fame, so my guess is to SetStage Arena 10 and make Owyn evaluate his package.

Click on Owyn (important), and in the console:


SetStage Arena 10



This is, as I say, a stab in the dark, but worth trying.

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Sorry about the late reply internet was down for a few days.... I turned off and deactivited all my mods and it was still a problem I'm going to try the set stage idea now.


I would also like to note that my first character had no problem. but every character i have made after words has. and no mods have been since the first other then a few which where turned off when i tried again.

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