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spell won't load


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I've created a custom spell using the first spell scripting tutorial over on the cs wiki, but I have to deactivate all my mods to load ingame via the console or any other means.

I'm assuming that there's a workaround as he mentions that thats a problem, and I know that other custom spell mods seem to work, but I can't figure out how.

any help would be appreciated.

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you can do it with an activator and an onLoad Script too. i can post the script for copy/pasting but you will have to fill in the blanks and put it on a unique activator (Like a copy of an aylied button) in a cell you dont visit very often like the copius coinpurse or something. then you just have to walk in the cell to get your spells.


SCN CustomSpellAdderScript ; put this on an activator in the same cell as the person you want to give the spell to.

Begin OnLoad

 NPCRef.AddSpell <SpellID1> ; example, -Player.addspell ZZZCustomNightEyeSpell-
 NPCRef.AddSpell <SpellID2> ;you can add more then one spell, the script will rerun every time the object is loaded


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