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Of Gods and Mortals


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OOC It is Elbras not Eldas.....


Elbras: As you search teh corpses you find a few gold coins, their armor, which is high quality and quite light(it is full plate), and their swords, they have a gleam to them that the rising sun couldn't make, they're exelent craftsmen ship and one it a two-handed, one is a basterd-sword. As you work Ilnatha speaks.

"We could take a different route but It will just take longer and we'll setill ahve them to deal with. I believe that for the time my enchantments can keep them away and my magic grows as we enter the mountains. They'll only be a nusiance not a problem."


Both: Soon your moving out again, by your estimates you should reach the foot hills by night.

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Elbras stretches as they walk along the road.


"I hope you're right about your magic Ilnatha. I wouldn't want to be caught by a large party of those guys... but it could be fun..."


He grins slightly. He then pulls out the ornate one handed male without a father sword, the only piece of loot he decided to keep, and shows it to the others.


"Just look at the craftsmanship on this beauty though! These guys must be incredibly well funded to afford something as good as this."

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OOC: Computer blew up so i havent been online for a while.


After a long silence Shadow speaks again. "If we want an obscure root I could try and call some eagles but. Shadow looks at jason and says "i dnt no if they would let idiots ride on them." Shadow then makes two strange piercing whistles and waits.


OOC: If you want info on how i got to know the egales ask.

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Ilnatha turns in his saddle and looks at Shadow, "Unless we're caught by about 50 or so we would only be slowing our selves down to use eagles, and they are probably dead in this land. But if we need a fast esacape I'll look to you." Then he turns to Elbras, "It would be quite fun to encounter a few, but I've not been in sword combat for a time, I'm likely rusty. And yes they, if I am right about who they are, are VERY well funded. Befeor you ask I'm not saying who I think they are juts yet." He smirks and looks back to the road.
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OOC: Sorry about the "Eldas" thing, just a typing mistake


Jason looks at shadow and sighs


Go ahead, call your birds, at least I'm not that idiot to go flying up to 50 feet witch makes us an excellent marksman target... Let's see how helpfull your birds will be when they are the target of 300 arrows... No lad... I might be arrogant but I'm life not tired yet...


Jason looks at the others


I agree on the road Ilnatha, the rocks might give us some cover... and after their last night stunt I believe we might use any cover we can get.

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We've lost enough time here, we better get going. By the way Elbras, next time we run into them, check if they have another blade for me.


He smiles

Jason gets on his horse and looks to the east. As he looks to the east the first sunshines burn in his eyes...


The sun is rising...

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You travel uneventfuly up the mountain, soon you stop for lunch and Ilnatha points ot eh peak he's taking you to. Before long you pack up and move on. Night falls and you travel until it is to dangerous ot continue and stop for the night. Ilantha tends the horses, then starts the fire.
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Jason stares at the peak...


What you think we might find there? A monastery or a burned down monastery with 700 angry men?

I dont like it, the whole trip today was way to easy... They could have easily overrun us...


Jason spits on the ground and then sits down at the fire. From the moment he installed himself confortable enough he draws his sword...


Tonight, I'm ready for them... and with a bit of luck I might even get such a nice shining blade


He points at the sword Elbras picked up

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