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Of Gods and Mortals


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Elbras looks up from his work and squints at the shadow...


"Yeah... it does..."


He ponders for a second.


"Almost like... some kind of building? But there's nothing here that could be causing it... hmm..."


He thinks for a moment while looking at the shadow.


"Hey, Jason, do you know if mages possess some kind of ability to make objects, say... invisible?"

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(OOC: Ok sorted it out over PM, I think I understand things now, correct me if I'm wrong Acoran ;))


Elbras points to a ledge connecting the two peaks.


"We could cross that... it looks a little unstable though. But I don't think there's any other way we're going to get across there in time... we'll leave the horses and any heavy luggage here, just in case the extra weight could make it crumble. Ok?"


He turns to Jason.

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Elbras nods and leaves anything of significant weight behind, making sure to keep his sword by his side. With that, he lowers himself onto the ledge and taps it with his foot to check it's stability.
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