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Of Gods and Mortals


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"Oh alright then. Thank you!"


Elbras stretches and gets up from the table.


"Hmm, well that doesn't sound like any of our business... shall we just go to bed?"


He looks to Jason.

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Elbras nods and gets up from the table, heading to the bedroom where he lies down on one of the unoccupied beds and eventually falls asleep.
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You sleep soundly and wak ing the morning later than you'd planned, you rush to get your things togethere and meet Ilnatha at the enterance. He is waiting. You and he travel south to the village where the Blacksmith's apprentice lives. By noon, you walk into the village.


It is wide spread, tehre ae meager farms dotting the hillsides, but the building that catches your eye is large and obviously newer than the others it has smoke rising lazly from a chimmany and the sounds of hammer hitting anvl.

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(OOC: i was waiting for switch to post but I'll go on sense he hasn't)


As you enter the Smithy you hear the hammering stop and an young heavly muscled man come out with a finely crafted woodaxe, he extanges, for gold, with an older man wating at a counter. The older man leaves and the smith looks up.

"'reetings, 'ow can owe 'elp ye?" YOu mange for understand through a heavy accent

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