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Of Gods and Mortals


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Wesaynothin your spell heads around the corner and you here another grunt and muttering. As the other two walk down the passage they turn a crner and there is a passage going straight with a dim light at the end, as well as a passage going left.
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OOC: God I'm getting confused... there's another corpse, but some sort of monster at the same time... "the other two"?? Who?? Erm... could you clarify what's going on please? Thanks! :P
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OOC no, no, no your all together, not shooting each other, there is one corspe that mattias found right away and while lookigna tb it you heard some sort of noise from down the passage, as you walked down you see:


"...they turn a corner and there is a passage going straight with a dim light at the end, as well as a passage going left. "

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You rounda corner and see a small lantern sitting on the floor, on a lip above the sewage. around it are two men in red robes. and a third bend over another man in ripped but plain brown cloths. he seems to be very brused and cut up.
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