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Surely this can't be right


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I've just arrived at the Wayshrine of Akatosh and there is nothing there!!! if I zoom out I can just make out a few bits of what look like ruins in the grass, but no shrine. Is it supposed to look like this as I'm concerned a mod might be causing it even though I don't have mods that change the scenery.
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Sorry, it's south of Bruma, just off the Orange Road.


I saw a photo on the Wicki and it shows a stature, but I can't see one, I've since found the actual shrine that you click on, but I don't understand the rubble and no statue.

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The photo I saw could well have been that. I was curious about what looked like rubble and looked on the Wicki, seeing that photo worried me something might not be right with the game, but if none of the WS have statues near by then it must just be me worrying about nothing. Thank you for helping out.
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  • 4 weeks later...

There are at least a couple of Wayshrines in the game that don't work. I didn't think those had names though. Can't remember exact locations, only remember coming up on them and being surprised that they didn't have power.


I think there is one in a pond, or partially submerged, that one doesn't work. There is also another one that has ruins obscuring part of it and that one doesn't work either. So there are some that are just shrine ruins with no powers. Could have been you lucked up on one of those.

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